Sunday, May 19, 2024

Reacting and acting: how circumstances shape our lives.

I decided to check with an AI platform, what it would say about action and reaction, and the circumstances, which are the unseen hands behind everything. Here you are, with a few modifications:


The Soul's Journey: Navigating Reactivity and Conscious Action

In the labyrinth of existence, our lives unfold through a delicate interplay of reacting and acting, all orchestrated by the unseen hands of circumstance. As spiritual beings on a human journey, we are invited to contemplate the profound wisdom embedded within this dance.

Reacting, often an unconscious reflex, emerges from the depths of our conditioning and past experiences. It's the instinctual response triggered by external stimuli, woven with the threads of fear, desire and ego. In the struggle of reaction, we find ourselves made to advance by the currents of emotion, sometimes losing sight of our true essence.

Yet, amidst the chaos of reaction, there lies a sacred pause – a moment of choice, full of possibilities. Here, in the stillness of our being, we have the power to awaken to our innate wisdom and act from a place of conscious awareness.

Acting consciously is the art of responding to life's unfolding with grace and intention. It's the practice of aligning our actions with the whispers of our own self, the soul, guided by the compass of love and truth. Through conscious action, we become co-creators of our destiny, creating the tapestry of our lives with threads of authenticity and purpose.

However, it's essential to recognize the role of circumstance in shaping our journey. Circumstances, both benevolent and challenging, serve as the crossroad through which we may evolve and expand. They are the hindsight mirrors showing the lessons we are here to learn, inviting us to dance with them.

In the alchemy of life, our reactions and actions become the brushstrokes painting the canvas of the soul's journey. Each experience, whether joyful or sorrowful, offers us an opportunity for growth and transformation. It is through embracing the full spectrum of our human experience that we come to know the depth of our being.

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of existence, let us remember that we are not mere passengers, but divine orchestrators of our destiny. Let us embrace each moment as a sacred gift, infused with the wisdom of the cosmos. And in the tapestry of our lives, may we find beauty in the interplay of reacting and acting, knowing that every twist and turn serves to lead us back home to the essence of our true selves.


It is interesting that the AI is making us reflect… Yes, a little too dramatic for my taste, almost Shakespearean, but let us remember whatever is in the AI comes from us.

So, I invite you and myself to do exactly that and by thinking, change something in your life, in my life.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

If you do envy someone, what to do?

I don’t like the topic of envy or jealousy, but it happens to all of us. I would like to explore envy in the context of personal success, and what to do to rectify or to prevent its negative effects.


All of us want to be successful. It is natural and it doesn’t matter our way of life, just like nature, we will look for success. However, there are different types of success, as you know, and I would like to talk about 3 categories which can create some negative feelings within the self.

One type of success is quite superficial: a person reaches a goal and objective. Most of the times, success means going BEYOND those aims. However, it may not be possible and yet, the neighbor/cousin/former boss got that!! It can create a feeling of disappointment or disheartenment. The solution is to go back to school, that is, to understand what is the lesson to be learnt, learn and move on.

Another type of success is to get it through other people. It happens to parents, children, siblings and even bosses: others are successful and the person feels they are successful. It is a very special and pure sensation, something close to selflessness and it enables the individual to move forward. The only problem is the sense of an empty nest, particularly when the effect of that success by proxy fades off. Create a good life along with others’ success and there will be a personal feeling of achievement.

The last category of success may be called a holistic success, which means to be successful in all ways possible: spiritually, in terms of work and family, as a personal fulfillment and more. It is the sense of success of having done a wonderful job in life and nothing else remains to be done, it is pure satisfaction. There is nothing lacking in that type of success, but it is possible others are not so satisfied. I have seen people renouncing their dreams because of others’ feelings. The solution is to talk more with others and share some of the success with those people, reassuring them about their importance.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Heaven or hell? It all starts in your mind

OK, let’s imagine this scenario:

You got up very late.

You forgot to iron your clothes, so you have to get an old one.

You are about to leave home, when you remember today is a very important day!

You go back and when you iron the shirt, it burns a bit.

You burn your finger when you complain about the burning in the shirt.

You have probably burnt the carpet too!

Now you are TOO LATE.

You go out, looking for a taxi; no luck!

You try your favorite app for a ride, but no luck again!

You have to get into a transport somehow, when a car comes nearby you and splash your recently ironed-burnt shirt with water from the street…


Well, you are probably anxious just by reading this… This is like living in hell, or a quite hellish moment.

These are the small tragedies we tend to go through, things that are really not catastrophic, but they can give some headache or even a heart problem.

Now, what about a change of perception? Instead of living in hell, you are living in heaven

You got up very late. The first thing you do is to meditate and express your gratitude.

You forgot to iron your clothes, so you have to get an old one. That was the first thought; in fact, you are so capable and full of energy, that you go and iron it right now; and here the narrative changes…

You are about to leave home, when you remember today is a very important day! Again, you meditate before leaving and you feel more than grateful.

You go back and when you iron the shirt, it burns a bit. Well, you have ironed it already, with no accidents; you are already on your way to work.

You burn your finger when you complain about the burning in the shirt. That does not happen! You are almost there…

You have probably burnt the carpet too! You are watching others while you go to work, you feel so good.

Now you are TOO LATE. You are going to arrive on time, that’s great.

You go out, looking for a taxi; no luck! You saved money with a taxi…

You try your favorite app for a ride, but no luck again! You also saved money with that ride app…

You have to get into a transport somehow, when a car comes nearby you and splash your recently ironed-burnt shirt with water from the street… You arrive safe and on time.


As you can see, by changing your perception, by thanking and being a reflective person instead of a reactive one, you are able to change the narrative of your life.

And the small tragedies become small moments of wonder.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Your thoughts are the bricks for your reality

Some people don’t like their reality, maybe you are one of them, but I will tell you something that I hope it will help.


You create your own reality!


I have noticed that whenever I start to think in a negative way, things get so dark in my life! And the opposite is true too; I think well and very good things take place.

OK, it doesn’t happen all the time, but most of the time. The reason: I AM CREATING MY OWN REALITY.

It can be magical: I think about travelling and everything gets fixed for that.

Or, it can be because you and I are thinking in a positive way, it is easier to find solutions and to solve problems. In a negative way, recently I had some doubts about a trip I had to do and voilà, I couldn’t get the visa… Looking back, because of the lack of motivation, I tried the visa late and I misunderstood some instructions (it does not happen to me so often), and so on.

So, if you don’t like your reality, don’t worry, don’t overthink and don’t get disheartened. Start from the level of your thoughts and build up your new reality, brick by brick, thought by thought. One day, you will be living in a palace made by your best thoughts.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

How to REALLY get success?

Success is a slippery thing, but it is attainable and there are plenty of people out there to help you getting it.

Here are four things that will definitely make you reach a high point in your life, a definition of success:

  • Preparation. Many years ago, I listened to this question, which has helped me for many years: if everything you have gone through has been a training, what have you trained for? Success is the fruit, it is the result of all we have done and by recognizing what we really have done, we would understand the depth of our own success. Yes, right now, you and I are preparing ourselves for a big event in our lives, the moment in which success turns into reality.
  • Perseverance. Many things I am doing right now are not successful, but I don’t consider them as failure; for me, they are part of a process and there is always some benefit for me and others. Success is like a fruit, but it has to be taken care until it is ready for ripening; most of the things a normal person does are normal and success is the final result, the extraordinary fruit that comes from a very regular ordinary seed. Instead of giving up after failing, to get success try take one more step or change the way you do things.
  • Strategy and tactics. We often realize the need to change something when there is no force and no energy to do it. Then they come; by thinking in a strategic way, like a chess player, an individual can foresee future threats and empower themselves to face them, or future opportunities for which they need training. A good strategist will be humble enough to accept their mistakes and weaknesses, while keeping a good self-esteem, by acknowledging their strengthens and powers. But, be careful, because too much strategy can take you into a state of paralysis. Implement the decisions, by design tactics and methods. The victory is just ahead!
  • Keep swimming. A very wise yogi told a group of us that to get success, just keep moving ahead. Don’t stop, just walk forward… It seems a little simplistic, but many times, that is the best tactic. Success will come to those who never stop trying. Try, do it, don’t stop, just keep swimming in the ocean of possibilities the world is.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The possibilities to transform the impossible

Several times in life a person reaches a situation or circumstance that comes with the tag IMPOSSIBLE: it is something unattainable and unreachable, difficult and hard to make it, something that many try to avoid at all costs.

And yet, there are millions of IMPOSSIBLE things surrounding you and me right now… at least, they were IMPOSSIBLE at some moment in history. So, we can conclude IMPOSSIBLE things can take place; they can become POSSIBLE.

By exploring that possibility, there are basically 3 ways to turn the IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE:

Magic is the first thing you could think, but of course, magic does not exist. Right? Well… we can use the word Magic when something really unexpected happens. I remember the first time I travelled to India; I was earning monthly around US$ 300 while the ticket was about US$ 2,000, I didn’t even have passport, and yet, I’VE GOT IT! It was magicalMagic happens when there is faith on the IMPOSSIBLE becoming POSSIBLE and clarity on the results to be obtained. Try it!


The second possibility is simply called a Wonder, and that is the moment when the IMPOSSIBLE melts away and the POSSIBLE emerges from it. I live in the result of a wonder, a house belonging to an organization that does not charge any fees for their services. More than 15 years ago, we started having the aim for this house and eventually, it came up as a fruit of everyone’s effort. Wonders take place when there is a clear goal and others’ cooperation.


And, yes, we have Miracles. I had a few experiences in that area, but I am not talking here about the religious miracle; I am talking about miracle as that thing which is REALLY IMPOSSIBLE, UNATTAINABLE, but it happens. For so many years I used to have asthma attacks during winter, which was bad for me and my mother, whose sleep was deeply disturbed and she was full of worry about me. Then, at the age of 21, I went to India, DURING WINTER… but I didn’t have an asthma attack. In fact, it never came back! I am almost 60 and although my lungs are not excellent, asthma left my life at that point. The reason, according to my reflection: 1) of course, years of treatment helped; 2) I was more aware of my health and the environment I was living was much better than before, and 3) I was doing meditation and for me that was key for this Miracle. If you want a miracle, do your homework (treatment, dialogues, education, training, etc.), improve your life environment and have a spiritual practice.


Next time you face an IMPOSSIBLE situation, check about these possibilities and see how the IMPOSSIBLE changes into POSSIBLE. Good luck!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

What are the real effects of forgiving?


Forgiveness is more than being saintly, it is a healing tool, a way to repair broken bridges with other people and a wonderful way to experience constructive emotions. I would like to invite you to read this article about forgiveness, from the point of view of neuroscience: The Neurobiology of Forgiveness.

In my case, would like to share my own experience as I am in a spiritual path for more than 40 years, which I hope will motivate you to forgive. And be forgiven.

  • Forgiveness is healing for the one who forgives. In fact, I believe when I forgive, I am forgiving myself to have allowed that sorrow entering in my life or losing my own self-respect due to that.
  • Forgiving cannot be compulsory, it must flow. A very wise yoga teacher shared when she could not forgive; she decided to connect the person with someone who could provide whatever they need… She took her time, until she was able to at least talk to the person again, an important step.
  • Forgiveness is a way to others’ hearts. When you forgive someone, whether they know or not, a powerful energy links you both again… It may take time, but the relationship can resume.
  • Forgiveness does not necessarily mean that all changes because of it. It is a process of acknowledgment and, from this, you can change whatever is needed.
  • Forgiveness works best with best wishes, detachment and unconditional love.
  • Forgiveness works worse with expectations, grudging and blaming.
  • Forgiveness opens wounds, make sure you are prepared for it.
  • Forgiveness improves by meditating, praying and other spiritual practices.
  • Forgiving does not mean to talk to the other person. Do it when you are both ready.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Thoughts are powerful, very powerful

Let’s talk about the power of thoughts.

We could go scientifically and there are lots of research supporting that. Or we may go to the mystical side of thoughts; not much in terms of research, but people love it.

However, I would like to share with you three experiences related to the power of thought, so you can… think… about them.

The first experience is the fact that I was brought up thinking I was poor. Yes, that was said at least once a week in my family and by other people too. And yet, we had our own house and there were other things that contradicted that affirmation.

Thoughts create prosperity and abundance in a very real way. When I came to my spiritual path, and even before that, I started to see reality in a different way. It was as if an exit door for my situation just opened. It took time for me to believe it, to go through it and at last, to be free from that limiting belief, and it all started with my thoughts…


My second experience is related to sickness. I am clear about the need of using medicine, and I use it, but I value the energy of the self.

I was in India just now, walking around, when a friend of mine insisted that I meditated and sent some of the energy to my foot (long story...). I did that, and the sensation was amazing. Maybe thoughts can’t cure all the time, but they can give a relief.


The last experience is about a relationship. He was an acquaintance and one day I met him, when I found out he was very upset with me. It was a strange feeling, since we were from different countries, we didn’t talk much and, well, our relationship was almost zero.

Initially I felt quite annoyed with that, but I started to change my thoughts in relation to him. I started to send good wishes and good vibrations to him. It was a process of years, but at last, when we met many years later, he was OK with me…


Thoughts work very well; it is time we use this resource more.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

A sweet defeat

Very few learn this when they are children: defeat and failure are normal.

Yes, we all want to be victorious and successful, but in reality, things are not in that way and there will be more situations of defeat than victory, for many people.

The fear of defeat and failure in our society is easy to explain, but in human terms, defeat and failure offer a very interesting opportunity to grow. In fact, success sometimes block growth – just check in the recent past companies like Pan Am and Blockbuster: their growth, their enormous growth, took them to a point that they became stable and slowly, they have descended.

Some companies were creative like IBM and AT&T and they could prevent most of the fall, but this seems the fate of successful companies. Maybe it is the successful people’s fate too.

Recently, in a nostalgic powerful moment, one of the greatest singers from the 80’s and 90’s performed one of her big hits, along another younger singer and the result was a piece of magic in a very dark world… A moment of hope, a motivation to take action and something beautiful.

Her life, some say, was almost destroyed by success… I am happy she was able to stop her own descent… but many couldn’t.

Failure is something else. Many years ago, still a high school student, I read about a book which name drew my attention. I asked the teacher who responded simply that the book was not successful…

Many years later, after a short stay living in Santiago, Chile, I saw a banner on the street announcing the launching of that same book! Come on!

It took me a few months or years, not sure, until I was able to be with one of the greatest contemporary Brazilian writers who told me that book journey: it was a total failure, then a different publisher bought its rights, it published again several years after the first publishing and it became probably the most read Brazilian book in History. It sold worldwide more than 60 million copies in almost 70 languages.

Don’t be mad at me for not revealing names (why do you have access to Google?), but my intension is that I would like you to think about yourself…

Maybe, you had a huge failure sometime ago, but life has turned around and that failure turned into success.

Or you were not able to sustain your professional success and things are not as they used to be. Even though you are not having as much success as before, your mind is light, your relationships are much better, you feel so well! It is success, in a different way.

Perhaps you compare yourself with others and you notice how much they have gained, and you, so little… Take into account all you have, even your brilliant mind and the potential that was not revealed yet. And embrace the successful person you are.

Of course, there will be failures that won’t become a success… What lesson have you learned? Which changes should you implement in your life after that defeat? How that failure can turn into motivation for you or others?

I tell you, defeat and failure, they are very sweet…  It is just a question of perception.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

You are someone’s hero and the secret for your success is…

Someone out there is looking at you, they are taking their steps by following you and they quote whatever they hear from you. They may be a relative or friend, perhaps they work with you or they live nearby; you are a hero for them.

What about refining the hero you already are? There are of course lots of trainings you can do, but here is a short list of things you can work, so that your heroism inspires many people to be heroes themselves:

  • Egoless. This is a stage of the mind and awareness, but in practice it means to not take credit, share credit with others and be reflexive in relation to whatever happened, accepting errors.
  • Knowledge. A leader is the one who is full of knowledge in such an extent that knowledge turns into wisdom… That is the point in which a leader becomes a hero!
  • Humility. This is the key for success, it is that point when there is so much self-esteem that the person can acknowledge how others are better than them without loosing the fact they are a hero.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Controlling your mind, control your destiny

Mind control was a term used quite often at certain levels not long ago; in fact, there was even a (very expensive) course dedicated to teach people how to control their minds!

First, let’s understand the mind. From a spiritual perspective, mind is a part of the being responsible for generating ideas, thoughts and feelings, emotions and sensations.

Mind is considered by many a crazy horse, with no means to refrain or to detain. Others appreciate the power of the mind, generating, well, all we see around us! Except nature, of course.

So, how to REALLY control the mind? Probably that is the wrong word; instead of CONTROLLING, we need to handle or to manage it.

There are two ways to accomplish that. The first way is to look for silencing the mind, totally. Even though that is not possible, it is the aim of many spiritual practices, including certain types of meditation. As a clarification, it is not possible because there is always a white noise in the mind, sound or image.

However, with a proper meditation, like the Raja Yoga Meditation, you may reach a point in which your thoughts – voice, images – are replaced by feelings and it will be almost as if there is total silence. In that case, the mind will be under control and whatever experience is desired, it is possible to get it, especially if it is positive and powerful.

And what about managing the mind when things go wrong or under pressure. It will be much more difficult, but it is feasible to do it when things are quiet; in many people’s practices, meditation is done early in the morning so there is silence all around.

A final consequence of that positive management is a better control over one’s life. After all, what we do is a direct fruit of our thoughts; by managing their creation, we manage our own life.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

You get by giving, not by taking

There is a spiritual law most people know: the law of karma. Well, at least people do mention karma when they have an accident, someone is disturbing them or they lose an amount of money.

Sorry, karma is more than that and it can be good too, pleasant and interesting.

But, OK, let’s think of the broccoli-tasted karma that we have to settle; there is a spiritual principle that works in a wonderful way. GIVING IS IN RECEIVING.

The principle implies that anytime someone gives, they are receiving and it helps to settle the “broccolic” karma, but what does it mean and how to do it?

All starts from the consciousness. Whenever there is something to do that is clearly associated with karma settling, think of how to contribute instead of taking.

The reason is that whenever you receive something, another subtle karma is created and, one day, you will have to give back; on the contrary, if you give something instead of receiving or taking, you break that process and open a possible resolution.

A simple example: an old friend comes and starts to insult you. Instead of receiving the insults, you focus on remembering the good moments together and appealing to that friendship, a way of giving. Slowly, the friend calms down and this challenge ends.

It requires lots of self-control a clear objective in mind, in terms of what to do in relation to this situation, but it works. And it is worthwhile; you may save a friendship by changing the way of responding.

Next time the karma collector knocks at your door, remember this spiritual principle.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The ultimate failure

Failure scares people. That’s the reason many people decide to not even try, so they don’t get defeated, particularly in the present society we live.

After all, we live in the society of the SUPERSUCCESSFUL!

Yes, everyone shows their success, their attainments and achievements. Many years ago, there was a video that went viral about life according to Facebook, showing a man who was passing through troubled times and decided to cheat a little bit, only showing the best parts of his (pretended) life. My best scene is when he takes a selfie after running many kilometers, which was false as he took the car to go there… All went crumbling down after his wife cheated on him and he started to share his real mental state, and he lost all his friends…

That means failure is dangerous, it means I will be left alone, because nobody likes a loser! Let’s dive deeply into failure:

  • First, there is real failure, that is, a failure that can’t be hidden away, because you did lose your job or you were not able to get that in which you invested so much money to work. a beautiful feature of us humans is that we can keep trying and trying again, just like that song from Shakira, Try Everything.
  • Second, there is failure, but after a while, turns into success! My case is probably exceptional; I was always a good student at high school, but my last year there was a year of doubts and an inner struggle of sort, so I lost my position. A colleague, by the end of that year, came to me bragging as he was able to secure a good number, MY NUMBER, so, he was better than me. It was military school and the tradition was that we would close our presence in high school by going to a military camp, EXCEPT those who got into the first 10 positions. In other words, I was going and my colleague would not go. My failure however changed, because the rules changed; although I couldn’t get a position according to the old rules, under the new rules, I did get a number amidst the 10 first numbers! And I was so happy!!! Many times in life, waiting turns failure into success, just wait.
  • Then, there is the possibility to look at failure with a different attitude. For instance, it was not failure, it was learning… Failure is often a powerful motivator for improvement and there are certain very valuable values, like humility, that can be assimilated in an easy way by failing.

In other words, embrace failure and change it into something that will take you into success.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

What is the meaning of reputation at times of social media?

There was a time that people used to be concerned about their reputation in certain occasions such as a job interview, choosing someone to get married or investments.

Reputation is a powerful indicator, which is subjective, but it creates a reference for a boss to hire you, for you to plan your wedding with a certain person and a family investment for the future of their children.

However, something happened in human History, a breakthrough of major proportions in terms of how we live in a society: the social network.

So, let’s suppose you are trying to get a job; one of the things your boss may do is check your posts and have a general idea of who you are. Even though they are unrelated to your actual work, it will be those posts – your little dog, your mother falling from a chair, a dance, etc. – that could define if you will get it or not. When your boss meets you for the interview, he has already an image of who you are. Your reputation.

Same can apply for marrying or investments, reputation is being created by thousands of tiny posts, many of which were not made with that intention.

Reputation then changes its form and shape. People trust each other not because they know each other, but they have explored what the other person has posted and they believe that is their reality.

Beforehand reputation was subjective, but now…

A probable warning to anyone is to be careful on what they post, it could become a (bad) brick on the creation of your reputation…

Another way is to be more aware that the social network has become your portrait, so be consistent while posting, show the best of yourself, celebrate life and enjoy this marvelous tool we humans have created.

Remember: you are being watched. Smile!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The door of death

A young minister started to attend to his exotic king, who used to quote wisdom phrases and do his best to rule the kingdom in a… funny way.

One of the things the king used to do was related to the execution of prisoners, an event that the young man had to regretfully y attend. It was always the same…

“You have been condemned for your atrocious acts against the kingdom.”, the king used to start. After some deliberation, he would finish his interference with this:

“Now, if you are brave, REALLY brave… My kingdom needs VERY COURAGEOUS people and I am willing to pardon you…”, the king would wait for the prisoner’s smile and close his speech like this, by approaching a simple door at a corner: “… if you cross this door. This door takes a person to the most horrible place of my kingdom, a place not even the best men of my army would dare to go! This door keeps us safe from a monster nobody has been able to defeat.”, this time the king would wait for the smile to vanish. “Now, my men will free you and if you want you can cross that door, or you will be executed.”

ALL OF THE PRISONERS would rather die than crossing the door.

One day, he found the king in a good mood and he decided was safe to ask the king the big question

“Your Majesty, I would like to ask you a question that has been haunting me since I have become your servant.”

“Of course, you may ask the question.”

After a brief hesitation, fearing for his own life, the young man asked: “What is behind the door?”

The king showed an enigmatic smile and start to walk very fast, followed by the young minister who realized soon where they were heading to: the execution field.

Now, the young man was almost crying with the fear the king would throw him out through the cursed door, but he was able to kept a certain calm face; they at last were both facing the door themselves.

“Open it!”, ordered the king. The young minister rather clumsily opened the door and…

…And he was amazed! It was an extremely beautiful piece of jungle there. He was able to identify some flowers and trees, and no sign of the monster.

When he looked back to the king, he was definitely smiling.

“Where is the monster, your Majesty?”

The king whispered something under his breath, looked at the eager eyes of his new minister and said without a smile: “The most horrible monster of all does not live in that jungle, but in the hearts and minds of people. It is called FEAR… If the prisoners didn’t keep that monster inside themselves, they would dare crossing the door and, as I promised, they will be free again. But that monster kills them before our executioners. Be careful, minister, and don’t feed your own monster! Just trust yourself and the fear will eventually die.”

Sunday, February 4, 2024

A life-long learning process

To have a dynamic life, full of energy and meaning, it is important to understand that this is the greatest university!

Every day, every moment, at every interaction or chance to contemplate, you and I are learning. There is no ending for that.

So, I would like to suggest you two things.

First, always be OPEN TO LEARN. This requires humility and self-esteem, kindness and courage, and most importantly, the deep desire to progress.

Second, always be OPEN TO SHARE. You will need to feel the pulse of the person with whom you are sharing, teaching, coaching or mentoring. You will have to go beyond knowledge and trust your own wisdom. And share with generosity, openness, mercy and love.

We are sharing the same classroom, let’s make the best of it.


Sunday, January 28, 2024

The biggest victory starts from the smallest step

Some people think of a victory as something grand, an epic movie on the making, with sounding trumpets and all. Reality is – and you probably already know – most moments of victory are quite ordinary.

They can come when we do a great sale, a wonderful project we proposed is approved, our child gets an award or a very good friend recovers from illness. It is a feeling that nothing can stop us and reality bends to our wishes.

There is no formula for victory, and yet it is not a question of luck. It comes from effort and thinking, victory is born from determination and dedication, and it relies on concentration and patience.

However, there is something in common with all types of victories: the first step is usually a small one. The great sale started with a call or a response from an inquiry; the project came from a conversation with a few friends; the award is fruit of good parenting, talking to the child and motivating them, and the friend’s recovery started with a google search…

Think about your most recent victory and the more you think about it, you realize there is a small step that would take you to that moment of victory.

So, what about taking care of those steps? Yes, most of the time we are not aware which step is going to take us towards that victory, but we can be more aware and move with more focus, helping victory to come up.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

What comes out of your mouth defines

The way you speak and the things you say have power. Speech gives us the power to create or destroy.

I give you an example: Brahma Baba. He was a spiritual leader whose words are still echoing in many people’s hearts. The knowledge he gave and even the stories he used to share are still guiding people, decades later after his departure.

And another example: you! Yes, you!

You have said things that touched others’ hearts and they are still echoing in their minds.

You have spoken in such a way that you changed others’ lives.

You are a leader and your words have changed others.

So… it is possible you have spoken some bad things, maybe you could even put some people down with those comments, but remember those words that changed people’s lives for better.

And from now on, invest time and energy to improve the wealth that comes from your words.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Your thoughts can be flowers, spears or boomerangs

I would like to think of my thoughts as flowers as they pollinize others’ ideas, generate life or are so positive that others can feel their energy. They make our lives more beautiful and motivate us to move ahead.

But, when problems come up, my thoughts can be spears, like the old gods’ legends… Spears that destroy the obstacles by making my own powers to emerge or to turn them into leverages for my own advancement. My thoughts have power, and as I am aware of it, I can use that power whenever I need or I want.

And last, but not least, my thoughts are ALWAYS boomerangs and whenever I launch them, they will be back. So, I endeavor to have the best thoughts possible, so that the best will come back to me.


This enables me to understand my own thinking process and the ways my thoughts manifest. And how they SHOULDN’T manifest.

I would like to challenge you to think of your thoughts by using three different elements; you can use the same as mine or create your own.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

You are necessary in people’s lives

I would like to remind you of something. And remind myself.


We are necessary in other people’s lives.


And, of course, they are necessary in our lives.

Not in the sense we cannot live without them, or they cannot live without us.

But without me, without you, others won’t develop some of their best characteristics like courage, humor, trust, punctuality, etc.

By being with someone different, that difference is added into one’s personality. The more we are in touch with people who don’t share our tastes or preferences, the more we will improve.

The same for others.

So, try not to give up on other people… Give them a chance one more time… ten more times… a hundred more times.


It is worth, believe me.