Sunday, February 26, 2017

Managing modern times

Time is fixed and rigid - every day of the year has 24 hours and all hours have 60 minutes. And so it goes.

However, as humans, the handling of these minutes and hours, those days and years, seconds and decades, is quite flexible and so the feeling that time gives us is also flexible. Who has not been in a 45-minute class that lasted 2 hours (in their head)? Or in a nice place, with this special person, a whole day that passed by in an hour?

But when we look at the times in which we live, with news that come 24 hours and changes that a few decades ago would take a decade to happen and today happen in a few months (or less), this inner flexibility traps us in the invisible hourglass that the human being uses to measure productivity, goals and life in general.

It's time to rethink how we handle time. There are several ideas that are in the air - perhaps the one that seems most interesting to me is the post-work society, that is, work as we know is disappearing; This implies that the time of many people that revolves around a closed space called office, is already changing.

Perhaps the main consequence is the level of stress, so it is necessary to remember time management is a matter of awareness. Thus, by working with that, we can soften the effects of the crazy rhythm that today makes us run and run, without reaching anywhere in the way you can say that’s it.

When it is said that class lasted a long time, it is that the consciousness was not aligned with the necessity of the moment: the student forgot about the importance of what she or he was receiving and was probably aware of other personal needs such as playing, working or being with his friends. That lack of alignment made time feels longer than in reality.

So, if you need to enjoy something you normally wouldn’t, detachment will give you exactly the experience, because you just observe it as if you were watching a movie in which there are scenes you don’t like, but they are important for the whole context. Detachment helps you to be present.

So, by aligning consciousness with reality, by immersing yourself in what is happening – as in the case of that last day close to an interesting person – time accelerates. But there are situations we don’t want to happen fast as enjoyment may be associated to longer moments. The solution is to go deep, leaving the superficiality the situations provide. In this way, one hour will feel like one hour, or even more.

Last thing: if you want to avoid the pain of that moment, love will help. The consciousness of love will make time fly. You do not need to have love for what is happening... The simple act of unconditional love, of forgiving who causes you harm and wishing them the best will cause something unpleasant to be experienced as if it was positive. And fast.

Therefore, awareness is the key for handling time as we know and as we feel. Try it…

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Different ways of loving others

Love… that beautiful feeling that unites us all.

Along the years, love has changed its shape and form, manifesting in many different ways and being expressed in various dimensions. And yet, it is still very important.

I must confess I have not dedicated much time to think of love, because I used to feel (in fact, I still feel) love is overused. In fact, it has become synonym of very cheap things in the present society.

About three years ago, I started a reflection process to really understand the power of love. A still on-going practice, I have reached the conclusion that love works well due to three basic elements:
  • No conditions. The more unconditional is love, that is, the more you love others no matter what or who they are, more power it will have and so it will perform in an optimum way.
  • Dedication. Going into the depth of your love towards others and giving up the things you value when that is necessary – this is dedication, and it increases the intensity of your love.
  • Detachment. Although they seem to be opposite, love and detachment must work hand in hand, since this quality gives you the capacity of loving unconditionally.

What does the power of love do? Well, that is for another post, but you may start trying from now on…

Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to inspire other people?

Working in a team or just living in a family can be a challenge bigger than its purpose or mission, due to the way relationships go.

When there is a conflict, corrections and lessons have become short in our present time and inspiration is probably the best, if not the only, solution. The question is: how to inspire people?

Trying to inspire others by telling your own story… sometimes that will work, but not always as people have more criteria today and don’t accept things told to them as easy as before.

Being an example? That does work, but it takes its time and in some environments, like the corporate world, that won’t probably be effective.

What to do then?

The best way to inspire others is to inspire the self. Endlessly and tirelessly inspire this person you are and naturally others will feel inspired by what you are, not by what you say or what you show.

The reason is that your energy will be of first quality, your intentions will be clear and your actions will express the best of you.

How inspired do you feel today?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Real freedom

More than ever, people are mixing freedom with having the right to do whatever they want. And there is a big difference.

A real free person is completely sure about his life, there are no doubts about his decisions and his steps are full of determination.

Many times, a free person follows what others say, laws and regulations not out of compulsion, but because they believe in that. When they don’t do it, it is not because they don’t like others, laws or rules, but because it is not aligned with their own sense of being and their values.

The space around a free person is full of possibilities and the person’s creativity turns it into something alive.

The time of a free person is full of opportunities and complaints don’t have a slot into their schedule.

To be free is not about others or situations, it all depends on you…