Sunday, February 2, 2025

A new world starts with your mind


Too many people promise a new city, a new country, a new way of doing things, a new business, a new man or woman…

But, you know, everything new starts with a new mind. For instance, let’s say we want a new world (we want it, right?):

Sow the seeds for a new world. They come from the best part of you – from your courage, honesty and love, from the sweetness you treat others and the pure intentions you have when you are working. Let all of that floods your mind with good thoughts and wonderful feelings.

Ah, before that… plough your mind a little bit. Unfortunately, we are so much engrossed into a world with so many problems that the idea of a total new world in which those problems are solved, are easy to solve or simply don’t exist is insane… And yet… that’s part of the game of thinking of a new world. Start to read more about a new world and talk with other people; awaken those crazy ideas that a better world IS REALLY POSSIBLE!

Take care of those thoughts. The best way to create a new world is from a new self; so, start to change little things here and there, improve your habits and your life’s quality. The other day, I was watching a video that showed how a guy moved out of a crowded city to give a better quality for his dog – why don’t we do a similar thing to our own selves?

Water it daily and be careful with the birds! You need to create a new thought every day for a new world; for instance, one day you may think on how the economics will be and another day, how the politics will be there. But, you know the birds, they love to eat new green leaves… in your case, new ideas will be tested and fought by your best friends, your mum and dad, your kids, and of course your boss and mother-in-law… So, be prepared to have good arguments and maybe, to encourage them to think of a new world too, why not?

The crop will take time. A new world starts with in your mind and with your mind, but it takes time to come to reality. Still, believe me, it will come one day… just be patient and keep on cultivating it. One day, the new world will blossom for you!