Sunday, December 29, 2024

When I asked for the year to not change, a tale


I finished the letter and sent, via email. My guess was:



With total certainty, I was sure the email would reach its destination and my request was very simple…



I have been tired of so many changes… When I was young, the worse of a year changing was to avoid writing the wrong year in a check or a letter. But, nowadays…

There will be a new president somewhere who is probably going to change many things. Besides, AI is evolving… And the economy… Society… My friends and family… Me…


I want everything as it is right now… NO CHANGES, PLEASE!


And yet, I know…

… Well, the email bounced back.

… Things will change anyway…

So, what to do?

Maybe… maybe if I change, other changes won’t affect me that much. OK, I am still hopeful things may not change so dramatically, but I want to try this…


I want to try to change myself. Would you like to be my friend in this?

Sunday, December 22, 2024

When I asked for a gift


I looked at a star and I asked for a wish. Maybe the wish came into my life, of that I am not sure…

I looked at the vast sky and I asked for a vision. Maybe I had a vision, of that I am not sure…

I looked at the most beautiful mountain and I asked for a boon. Maybe the mountain granted me the boom, of that I am not sure…

I looked at the lake at the top of the mountain and I asked for magic. Maybe I am magical, of that I am not sure…

I looked at the river on running on the sides of the mountain and I asked for refuge. Maybe I was protected, of that I am not sure…

I looked at my city and I asked for something different. Maybe I am different, of that I am not sure…

I looked at my house and I asked for some newness. Maybe my life is new, of that I am not sure…

I looked at the Christmas tree and I asked for a new toy. Maybe I got it, of that I am not sure…

I looked at my room and I asked for wisdom. Maybe I am wise now, of that I am not sure…

I looked at a mirror and I asked for a gift. And I got a smile, hope and joy, peace and love…

Of that, I am sure.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

We are almost there…

I imagine the car of time full of small children asking, “Are we there yet?”

And time, ever patient, replies with a smile, “Not yet!”

As humans, we’re always on a journey. Even when we’re not moving physically, we’re traveling along the timeline of life. “Are we there yet?”

I’ve been reflecting on this question and realized there are three significant destinations in life, three moments when we feel we’ve truly arrived. Let’s explore these moments together, perhaps it will ease some of the anxiety we feel in the car of time.


Let’s start at the end. Death is a moment we are all destined to meet. Whether we face it consciously, joyfully, or with fear, it’s the ultimate conclusion to our journey. The car of time eventually leaves us somewhere final, somewhere special.

How do you perceive this inevitable conclusion from where you stand today?


Now, let’s rewind to the first time we met our own sense of “I”. That moment when we realized our individuality – separate from our family, our community and the world around us. It was the beginning of understanding our uniqueness, the moment we started to notice differences and learned how to navigate them. It was like raising a flag at the summit of a mountain early in our human journey.

From what you remember, what was it like for you?


Now, EVERYBODY in the world has a… how should I call it? A moment of truth… Many years ago, a friend shared a powerful analogy about life: What if everything you’ve been through was a training? This is the moment when life clicks; suddenly, you see how your experiences, choices, struggles, and triumphs were interconnected. Memories, regrets, reasons, love, and peace, all come together to form a clear picture.

What was your moment of truth?

Sunday, December 8, 2024

How to help someone who is far from me…

During this pandemic, I have had many situations in which the people going through problems were far from me, physically, and the problems were very big.

Sometimes, I was able to talk with the person and give some comfort. Other times, I just talked…

And at other times, I’ve failed and probably, I’ve made it worse.

But there is something I am sure it works, ALWAYS: to send good wishes.

It may sound something… ethereal… and I don’t have proof it works, but we may all do a few experiments:

Think of someone who is in need and who lives far from you. Think of that person in their best, with a big smile and much energy, and do that exercise during some time, at the same time (hour) and for the same length of time.

When you talk with someone who is in trouble, before talking with that person, do the former exercise, seeing them in your mind in their best. Make sure you are talking with the person in their best moment…

After talking with someone going through a bad period in their life, take some time out to wish the best to that person, in your heart.

Don’t forget that you can only help others if you help yourself first, particularly if you are going through a similar scene in the play of your life. Meditate, empower yourself, study, talk with other people and then extend the hand of your ears and heart to others.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

The last plane…

The images of the Khwaja Rawash airport during the evacuation in Kabul, Afghanistan, are still present in the minds of many. A few of us had friends or relatives there, but for most people the sensation has come from an overwhelming feeling of sharing with our fellow human beings, which made many feeling as if they were the ones in despair, trying to be evacuated.

I hope all goes well for the people who got to flee the country, for those who stayed back and my peaceful vibrations for those who couldn’t and their families.

Reflecting upon it, many years later, I understand that without realizing, many of us are going to have a last plane in life, a moment of decision so brutal and critical that will split our lives in two or more timelines. After it, you won’t be the same person anymore.

Maybe it was your marriage – it does not need to be something bad.

Perhaps when your first child was born… or when they left you.

Out of this reflection, I ask myself 3 questions:

  • What does it happen when the last plane is available? There is pain coming due to the attachment to all that can’t be anymore, but many positive emotions emerge at the same time. The best would be to focus on the positive and let that heal the pain.
  • Is it possible to prepare for that last plane? Some would argue that is what we have been doing in our lives previous to that event. It is as if we have been training for that moment. In this way, we can check and see if we are ready to leave ALL we have now and embrace a total new existence. It means skills and aptitude, but also attitude and awareness.
  • So, am I ready for the last plane and if not, which training do I need to be better prepared?

One day, maybe out of the blue that last plane will come to take you, me and us away. It will take off and after that, we will be in a totally different place… Until then, let’s keep training!