Sunday, August 25, 2024

Curiosity or exploration?

Okay, so, let's talk about this whole curiosity issue. You know the old saying, that is present in the languages I know: curiosity killed the cat. Well, maybe it's time to rethink that for humans.

I've always been a curious person – it's like a feature for a Capricornian that a few people know. But then I had this chat with a friend who straight-up called curiosity a sin. Whoa! That got me thinking.

There's this cool quote I found that perfectly captures the essence of curiosity for a person of this sign: They possess an inherent sense of wonder, always seeking knowledge to unravel the mysteries of life. My friend is also a Capricornian, so maybe it's more of a sign characteristic than a general curiosity trait, but I like to reframe curiosity with a bit of seeking.

After all, curiosity can lead us down some rabbit holes, those times when you dive into something without thinking it through. It is not always the best idea and it's like exploring a new neighborhood without checking if it's safe first, a new scientific experiment without protective masks or getting into a discussion with no knowledge on the subject.

Exploration, on the other hand, is all about focus, similar to setting out on a journey with a map and a compass. You're curious, sure, but you're also strategic. It's about learning, growing, and discovering, not just jumping headfirst into the unknown.

So, next time you want to be curious, remember that curiosity may be the starting point, but exploration is the real journey. And it requires preparation, investigation, training and willpower.

And going back to the saying, I think we could make this up: exploration revitalize the soul.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Solitude… the power of being by yourself

What is that thing, which is so good and yet, it causes so much sorrow?


I am an introvert and so, to be by myself looks quite good, actually. But I am not a perfect introvert… Many years ago, I was about to have my first Christmas by myself and it really touched me in a bad way that I didn’t have anyone else around me at that time of the year.

I was living in Santiago, Chile, and most of the people I knew, travelled. I was just there by myself.


Almost lonely; I worked until a few days before, so I was still surrounded by other people. In that situation, I decided to call a few people I’ve met as a yoga teacher and I invited them for lunch, after my holidays started. It was wonderful, a really beautiful experience and I never forget it!




To be alone is not a bad thing in itself, but it can be according to the circumstances and situations.

After that Christmas, I did spend next Christmas by myself and it was OK, because I didn’t feel lonely.

It was then that the idea emerged: there is a difference between being lonely and being in solitude.

To not have people to whom to talk, to feel their presence and to share accomplishments… that is loneliness. It is considered by many as the door to several illnesses, besides I think we all agree it is not good…

To not have people to whom to talk, to feel their presence and to share accomplishments because you chose that moment to be by yourself is called solitude. It is considered by many as the door to healing the self.

Solitude brings about inner powers, so that we can sort things out, solve situations or accept whatever is taking place in our lives. Solitude is the perfect environment for meditation, personal growth and contemplation.

Next time you are by yourself and loneliness is filling your mind with too many thoughts, change your attitude, meditate and transform being lonely into the gift of solitude.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The power of imagination: did you see the yellow cat?

A little girl was just walking on the street; all of a sudden, she stopped and started to look across. She was staring to a point on the wall.

Her father asked her: “What do you see, honey?” The mother looked a little exasperated, since her child was used to see things that were not there.

Smiling, she looked at her parents and said: “I am looking at the yellow cat!”

The mother laughed, that kind of cruel laughter when someone says something stupid. Even her innocent child could perceive it…

“It is there, mom, it is there!”


Scenes like this one were very common in the past, but not so much nowadays. Today, the father would join the mother in explaining there is no yellow cat…

We are underestimating the power of imagination, the wonderful door that opens in our mind to see what is not there.

Imagination is around us. EVERYWHERE!

At least its fruit: buildings and bridges, machines and an incredible software that enables you to read this, no matter where you live, and much, much more…

All of these things, many of them we take for granted, they were just like the yellow cat in the past.

They didn’t exist.


Many years later, the girl is now a woman, who cultivates her dreams and projects very well. She has been relatively successful and very happy with her life.

Particularly today, when an old dream will become a reality…


Imagination changes into dreams later in life, when we start to understand our role in this universe, in our society and community. Those dreams can be, in the hands of imagination, incredible engines to make us to move on the road of existence.

There are two powerful tools that convert imagination into a dream:

  • Reflection. By reflecting, the individual realizes what is going on and they are able to land the imaginative scenario taking place inside their head in the living reality.
  • Visualization. It is basically imagination, but with a focus and it comes often as a result of a few questions a person asks the self: How is this going to happen? When is this going to happen? What should I do to make it happen?


She still remembers the scene of her childhood: one parent’s support and another parent’s… sniggering… But she is not a child anymore.

She is a woman who is standing in front to that wall, in which she saw the yellow cat. She is not cross the street, she is exactly on that spot and she is surrounded by her team, which will make her dream coming true.

The yellow cat is going to be alive!


Someone said that if we want to live what we dream, we need to stop sleeping, that is, we must change our imagination into reality.

By reflecting or visualizing, you were able to have a vision of what we want; now we must build it, and…

… Of course, it is more complicated, but there are 3 basic things:

  1. Willpower. That is the push that will turn our dreams into a living reality.
  2. Resources. It is the fuel for that transformation.
  3. Capacity. We will need knowledge of many things, talents and skills.

And then, at last, imagination will walk on the streets…


They just finished their job and here it is: The Yellow Cat.

A restaurant that will change people’s lives. She has more dreams about the restaurant, but right now she is just mesmerized by what she sees.

A huge yellow cat licking the window of her restaurant, just under its name!


Final remarks:

  • Remember that failure and defeat are lessons, they will increase your capacity.
  • It is always possible that your dreams don’t come true; learn from them and help others to make their dreams come true.
  • Surround yourself with positivity, but embrace others’ critique.
  • Meditation is a perfect way to improve your visualization tool.
  • Dialogue is key and emotional intelligence will be very helpful.
  • Nobody can make their dreams come true by themselves…
  • When you get success, share it with others by helping them somehow.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Memory… is it nostalgic, or can it be a positive factor in our lives?

Nowadays if you browse for a while in your favorite platform, you will find songs from all times!

Nowadays, old movies are back!

Nowadays, we have a tendency to go into the memory lane more than ever…

Yes, nostalgy, saudade, that feeling you often can’t name or pinpoint, but you know it very well. They are emotions that enable you to travel through time and experience things of the past as if they are taking place now. Right now…

My question is: are those emotions or feelings good?



It all depends. Memories can feed depression, conflicts and even a sense of powerlessness.

On the other hand, memories can be used is as an inner motivation, often coming from an understanding, which changes the present attitude.

Yes, you are in trouble now, but can you remember that time you were able to win in a similar situation?

OK, you are fighting (again) with your best friend, but do you remember how good that person is and how much joy you had together?

By focusing on those memories, you will feel courage or you will be able to fix your friendship.

In this case, they are not only positive, but encouraged. Many years ago, a very wise yogi teacher was giving a class, in which she shared about someone who was not so well at that moment. She suggested the person to remember the best memories and relive them in their minds.

The effect was immediate: the individual was transported to that moment, there was an experience of peace and happiness, calm in the mind and decisions could be taken. It is immediate…

So, my invitation is that instead of drowning in the memory of better times, use it as a leverage to change your attitude or behavior.