Sunday, December 25, 2011

Words for a New Year

Some people are arguing, saying that time is passing faster, really faster. Whether it is true or not, reality is that 2011 was over and now we are entering 2012. And it did look fast.

2012 will be an interesting year. Many things are programmed everywhere in the world, but also crisis will tend to happen more often in various scenarios and dimensions of life. With that in mind, it is good to start 2012 with some words which can be powerful for your life. These are an extract of a small text I have sent as my Christmas gift to everyone - just to explain a bit of the background, it is a fictional idea of 2012 being the last year of my (ours) life(ves).
  • If someone hurts your heart, talk to yourself and talk to God. God is the doctor of the soul, He will heal you and give you even more love.
  • Never think negative of others, because the first person who experiences that negativity is yourself.
  • If you want to take revenge on someone who causes you harm, the best way is to give him or her love, mercy, understanding and a new chance.
  • If sorrow knocks at your door, don’t open it.
  • Even though happiness does not knock at your door, open it and invite her to come in.
  • There are no excuses to not do something: responsibility and action will help you to grow.
  • If at some point a smile vanishes from your face, talk to God, with a friend or remember something pleasant. Don’t stay without a smile, not even for a second.
  • If you think of something unpleasant that happened in your life, pretend it is just a movie and clap at the protagonist, which means, yourself.
  • When pain comes, don’t stand it. With love and respect for your own body, surrender it to whoever can heal it. But don’t allow the pain reaches inside your being; to avoid that, talk to God and feel His healing love.
  • Don’t deceive yourself about your situation, but do not exaggerate in relation to your destiny. Each day is more valuable, when you know you will be leaving someday – it is better to enjoy these days rather than think when they will be over.
  • Don’t be afraid to say “I am leaving”. Understand better its meaning, talk to yourself and with others.
  • Don’t be afraid of what is waiting for you. You will reap the seeds you’ve sown, so take advantage of your last days to sow even more seeds, not in the fear of what will come.
  • Love. Don’t stop loving, never.

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Happy Christmas

Around three decades ago, John Lennon would launch a new song with great success: "Happy Christmas The War is Over" was not only a big success, but it gave the world a more modern way to celebrate this important date.

However, three decades ago, the war is definitely not over. Yes, looking at the world I cannot help but admiring that the effort of so many people have bear some fruit and we have a world without wars between countries, for the longest term since 1900 came.

But the wars have been transferred to within the countries, the cities and homes. I am not talking either about terrorism, but the war in the minds of men and women, which creates conflicts and problems everywhere.

In that case, the war is over is if you want it (as the song says). If I want, the war is over, as my mind is mine and I can control the emerging thoughts and feelings. But, why don't I (you, we) do it?

Probably the main reason is that there is something still lacking in the self. So, "Happy Christmas" starts from filling the self completely. We need few things in life: peace, love, happiness, power and purity, all of them can be obtained, because we already have them inside. Through meditation or some other technique, I must connect with that quality within and just enjoy it.

Then, the war internally will be over. And, one day, Lennon's dream will be fulfilled.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What about male leadership?

There is no doubt that not only women are ascending to power, but men are losing that power. There are many articles and essays on that, especially in United States and the reality is that a new paradigm is being created.

However, I was in a retreat on Leadership. My co-facilitator is an old friend, and one of her topics was female leadership. It was then I had an interesting realization.

First of all, she commented at some point that what is happening now is that women are increasing their status, but it shouldn't be that men lose theirs. It was then, I have started to look at the male leadership issue with different eyes.

Another point came from myself: leadership will be different performed, according to the person, his/her culture, the moment they are living, etc. So, why not to be a male leader?

First, let me clarify: female or male leadership does not have anything to do with gender, as we have seen women who were typically male leaders, and men who were female leaders. But, of course, it is easier for a man to be a male leader than a woman.

Male leadership stands for creation and creativity, zeal, enthusiasm, courage, energy, power, greatness, honor and all the things you have watched in old movies or read in books of such a times. Nowadays, what we see, is a travesty of that leadership where creativity destroyed nature, courage killed other people, power became a tool for self-serving, greatness turned into arrogance and, the worse probably, honor was lost forever.

To recover that kind of leadership will be a hard task, but my realization is that female leadership won't work without is counterpart - and possibly in the past, they were together providing the best from humankind to humankind.

It will require a new version of a man, a softer and firmer version, but I think it is really possible. It will require to see the world in a different perspective where violence does not have a place in a new society.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The inversion of the poles

As we come closer and closer to 2012, all the "end of the world" prophets start to awake from their slumber. One of the prophecies of the end of times is related to the inversion of the (magnetic) poles, which would cause a tremendous catastrophe.

Will that happen or not? It really doesn't matter, because, guess what, it is ALREADY HAPPENING!

Didn't you know? Let me see... I was just checking some news from Brazil, related to foreigners whose residence have been approved. For years, Brazilians have been a migratory people. We have been able to blend with other cultures, learning their language and way of lives in a very easy way. One of the main destinations have been Portugal, for obvious reasons starting from language and the fact that most of us have met Portuguese people, neighbors and shopkeepers, at some point in our lives, so we know a bit of the culture. Well, the poles are inverted... Portuguese is the main nationality in terms of requiring immigration status in Brazil now.

Not only that. While Spain, a traditional destination for Spanish-speaking countries like my home, Colombia, is in very bad shape, Latinamerica in general is getting better and better. So, just wait and see: those who have migrated to Spain are already coming back and in less than one year, Spaniards will start to migrate to our much warmer countries. Just a guess, but probably countries like Argentina, Peru and possibly Colombia will be a nice destination for them.

So, what to do? I think the wise thing for those of the first world is starting to learn a bit from the emergent countries on how to cope with the crisis.

The main challenge is probably the fact we ourselves do not understand exactly how we did it. For instance, everyday there are bad and good news about crisis in USA. So... if they are in crisis, only bad news should come from there, right? NO! During our worst crisis period, some parts of the economy were still growing.

It was remarkable how airports were full during periods of worse crisis in Colombia and Brazil. Perhaps, one sign was that there was few foreigners, mostly were native and flights leaving the country were full, whilst flying coming to the country were almost empty. But, crisis do not mean NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Crisis is there, but the money is also there, only it is in the, let's say, "wrong places".

Another example a friend of mine was giving me is related to the growth of make-up companies. He was saying on how during the worst crisis, Yanbal, one of the big companies in Latinamerica, has grown and he had the opportunity to train them. Asked why was that, he simply answered people were looking for jobs, so they needed to look beautiful.

The last thing is how we were able to overcome desperation. Religion and spirituality had lots of influence in that. During crisis, people not only prayed more, but they were more detached from material things and they were giving importance to the imperishable.

These small lessons will help those countries during these hard times, at least to understand what is going on. It will help those peoples to have a different approach towards life, more spiritual, more humane.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Honesty that touches the heart

If there is something I have never learned was how to read a newspaper. Yes, I know how to read, come on! But not a newspaper.

In a plane, the person sitting by my side was reading like a princess. After she finished, I noticed with certain envy as the newspaper looked like new. Mine... well, I prefer to not mention its situation. This is why I LOVE reading newspaper via INTERNET.

But, it paid off. I was extremely touched by an article by Mr. Michael Gove, pre current UK Education Minister ( In it, he was counting his own tale of adoption. His own adoption.

Well, how many people acknowledge they were adopted? How many ministers you know would do that? But he did, I must confess I became a deep admirer of him. Not sure if he is a good minister or not, but as a person, he should receive some prize for being a hero. In times when everyone tries to deny and show a different face, his honesty is a fresh sign humankind has hope.

I won't bother you with details you yourself can read, but I just thought about a few points I think anyone should reflect upon and act on them:
  • Am I ready to give support for someone who has nothing to do with me? His parents were able to do it. It is not a question of money - in fact, he admits that nowadays, his parents, or people like them, wouldn't be able to adopt anyone. It is more than money. You can call it courage or mercy, they adopt not only him, but also another girl, who became his sister and whose quasi deafness problems were quite serious. As leaders, that is what we do: we have to "adopt" people who, most of the time, don't have much to do with us.
  • How can I help in empowering others? Mr. Gove's tale is on love. Not that cheesy romantic love. It is not about Prince Charming. It is about REAL love. It is love that cares and brings up. It is love that educates and respect. It is love that really works, enough to create a minister. Do I love others that much? Because it is that love that will give them power to overcome any situation.
  • Will my honesty hurt myself or others I care? It is honesty. As he tells at the beginning, only a few people knew about his situation. He risked his position telling others he was not what he shows (even his name is different). But his honesty conquered me and I am sure, it conquered many others too. We use too many masks. However, more than the honesty, they way he chose to tell his story - he didn't "throw" it over the public, he touched their hearts. Leadership is about values. Vision and purpose, results and strategies can be accomplished by someone with a diploma. But that diploma needs the certificate of values, like honesty, true honesty, tolerance, calmness, love and peace that touch others' hearts.
It is quite possible I will never meet Mr. Gove, his sister or his wonderful parents. But they will live with me in my memories and they will always inspire my own leadership.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Out of the world

Last week, I had a meeting with a very old friend in a city I know a lot and I don't know anything: London. It does give most of the people that feeling, a kind of familiarity and distance at the same time.

Well, story runs like this: I went to a Hilton hotel and he was not there. I could not call as I did not have a mobile, neither I could access INTERNET easily. At last, I was able to find a café INTERNET in the back of a supermarket (true story!), and I could find out that the Hilton I should go was another one, about 5 minutes from where I was.

All of that gave me a very interesting experience on how dependent we have become on our gadgets or devices. In a world in crisis, devices won't help as much as our own resources.

In fact, it was interesting looking for things that other people had in their own pockets. It was interesting to talk to strangers, look with more accuracy the gray and yet beautiful streets of this old city, looking for things that other people had in their own pockets.

In fact, all of us have so many resources inside, but we don't use - after all, we can find all from things that we have in our own pockets. It is a pity that not many people have the luck I had to live that experience. But, you can still try it - try to find a place without googling, try to talk to someone face to face instead of just emailing him, try to live differently and come in touch with those resources which you have and are just waiting for you, their master, to use them.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Back or forth?

During years, since I started to get interested in the Nobel Prizes, there has been a very interesting fluctuation between politics and non-politics.

Well, to be sincere, most of the assigned prizes have been quite political. Perhaps the only exception I can really think of is Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

This year, 3 women have been chosen, which is by itself quite intriguing. Although all of the 3 have their actions embedded in politics, their choice goes beyond that. As it says in the statement, they have been chosen "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work".

First of all, STANDING OVATION to you three. I don't think there will any doubt or polemic as the former years. But it is the non-violent piece appeals to me. As I have said many times before, I really don't believe in peace as a result of the lack of violence or war. I live in Colombia, and I can see that even the war being eradicated, there is still so much violence. I have seen in countries where the biggest violence is a run-over, and still I see so much anger inside.

But I understand it is a process, perhaps longer than we would appreciate, to stop associating peace with war.

Is it possible? I think it is, and it will be real revolution, much more powerful than any other. When people - at least a critical mass of people - realise within that peace starts from the self, then the world will change dramatically.

Think what will happen with the economy when people are really satisfied, when marketing cannot attract others, but just inform. What will happen when people are not looking for show, but for being peaceful?

Probably, you would think it will be quite boring. I used to think like that. And, yes, in the present context it will be boring. But, contexts change. And really hope this way back to non-violence by the Nobel-prize granters can make people more aware of its importance.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Sowing Paradox

There is a time for sowing and a time for harvesting. However, what happens during sowing times?

I am at present at that stage. Life has been quite exciting, too exciting for week-hearts people and, I must confess, even for my own taste.

But the paradox for me is that while sowing, well, there is no food available! Yes, I know my future will be bright, but I need to adjust my attitude and awareness for that. What am I doing to resist these times?

  • Keeping busy. It is easy just to give up sowing and fall into a kind of laziness and just stopping doing things. It is easier to go and buy in a supermarket, instead of sowing. So, I learn that if I keep busy in meaningful works until the harvest comes, that helps my mind and spirit.
  • Prioritizing. Someone told me once that when we are unemployed, that is the time where you can get lost so easily. Just yesterday I had to say NO for some course which was being offered to me. One of the wonders happened to me was to find my own prioritizing magic key, so I am using it. I am saying NO, or just saying I DON'T WANT TO THINK OF IT NOW. It is pretty important, because when harvesting comes, I will be very busy with that, too busy to sustain something I created and I did not want to.
  • A good environment. Walking, listening to nice songs or reading positive books, going to a park or just staying in a very clean room. This is so important! The environment makes things to you that you are not even aware of, and you are its creator.
  • Meditating can help me to keep a stable mind. Wasteful and negative thoughts are not useful at all, specially in these situations. The art of meditating keeps my humor OK, my thoughts flowing in a nice way and life looks beautiful.

Any more suggestions? Take care.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another date for peace?

Tomorrow, September 21st, it will be the the 30th. time world thinks of peace. At least, that is the idea.

However, in a very fast pacing world, this is hardly news. After all, it is just a date, right?

For many years, I myself have been living with the war. Although it is not declared officially, the confluence of some guerrilla groups, paramilitarism and the Military has made Colombians live in a constant fear or at least apprehension in relation to the war. For me, the consequences of a war are very clear: economic problems and psychological problems are too normal to be comfortable.

But I have also learnt that peace is not the mere absence of war, and here I have had some proof of that. Even though the situation is like that for decades, still Colombia is one of the countries that grows more, people are quite nice and the quality of life is so good that I was surprise to hear about a Brazilian manager who feels safer in Bogota than in Brazil.

Perhaps it will be good if people think of peace not only in terms of absence of war, which is happening worldwide in numbers and facts - it is decreasing, slowly but firmly. Peace is more than that, it is that wonderful feeling in your heart that all is OK and there is nothing to worry about.

If that is done, peace won't be remembered one day a year by a few, but it will be lived by many the whole year.

Is it a dream? Yes. I hope you can also dream with me.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

More than a date

In Doctor Who, the protagonist at some point says that there are some dates which have some kind of weight in it. Probably, September 11th is one of these dates. Before starting to speak, I must mention my admiration for those people who went there, fearlessly, some of them to not come back again. My admiration for that wonderful nation, United States of America, and the people.

Around July, 2001, I was invited to conduct a workshop in a program held by the United Nations. Unfortunately, it never happened, and the strange thing is that it seems my application was lost or something like that, so they never approved what was never supposed to happen. After all, my workshop would be on the 12th. September. 2001.

So, when things started to happen on September, 11th., I felt as I was there, a few miles away from the eye of that horrible storm. I follow all the events, seeing how the most powerful nation in the world was unable to prevent what was going on. I follow all the events, seeing how the most powerful media in the world was unable to broadcast effectively what was happened. I follow all the events, seeing how humanity got insane for a few hours that day.

It was possible one of the worst expressions of hate humans showed to their fellows. Yes, it does not compare with some of the old battles when about 40,000 people died, or the shame of the atomic bombs. But, still... it was too close home. It could happen anywhere in the world.

So, what do you do when something like that happens? Hate? Revenge? Closing borders? Among the many stories I have heard later, some touched me more than others.

There is this TV channel which brought together mothers whose children were born after 9/11, and whose fathers were in the twin towers. Among the women, many muslims showing the absurdity of blaming one side of the humanity against the other - their sadness was not different, perhaps in some levels even worse.

Another thing was a friend of mine who happened to be in New York that same day. When his friends and him saw what was happening, they all decided to go straight to Canada, their home. He narrates how he saw the towers from a hill, and the many hours of trip just to arrive to a very long line in the border; yes, the borders were closed. It was then one of the passengers of the car said she knew another border through which they go through. After entering into the town and many small roads, they reached this small border point where a very confident American allowed them to pass. Even in tragedies, some people keep their trust.

I did not lose anyone in that tragedy and it did not affect me directly. However, I feel in my heart the best way to avoid something like that to happen in the future is not fighting more or controlling more. We need a big change in our awareness, society and trust. We need to see everyone as one, share our lives together and understand each other even more. We need love, but not a simple love - we need a love that cannot be defeated, not by two planes, nor even by the most powerful armies.

And, you know what, we have it. Hope, on this day, people allow their hearts to open even more and to recognize, beyond the threats and rage, the wonderful opportunity of transformation for our whole world.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

On hurricanes and hurried lives

To be true, I have never been in an area when a hurricane is hitting it, in fact, I have never seen a hurricane. The closest I have been to "hurricanes" (in fact, strong storms) were twice in my life. In the first, I was a child - totally unprotected, coming back by foot from school. I've learnt I cannot fight it, but the company of my schoolmates, my bag and the fun we all got, it made it worthwhile.

The second time was in Punducherry, in South India. They explained to me it was a depression and during about 10 minutes, it rained what it should rain for one day. I was in a wonderful hostel there, looking at the ocean, and the ocean just got merged in the darkness, vanishing before my eyes, and the storm would come.

I keep thinking positively of everyone being hit by this catastrophes. They need our respect and care.

However, I learn something else: there are also hurricanes in our lives, even though we don't have hurricanes in our weather channel.

Like living storms, we walk into the cities and into each others' lives. We destroy others' dreams and lives many times, their projects and their effort. We are in a hurry to do things, and we become like living hurricanes.

It is time for us to just make some time out of our pace. It is time to experience ourselves as people, and enjoy each others' lives, dreams, projects and effort, just for the sake of them being our fellow human beings, our companions on Earth.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


One of the big struggles people face nowadays is their own past. Yes, forget about Libya and the American economical crisis, your past disturbs you more than anything happen in the world today, small or big.

Yes. It is not easy to accept that, but the past visits me sometimes, to remind me of dark times and huge walls I cannot cross. Past teaches me to give up and to surrender to the world around. Or, it tells me to fight until I am weary, until I am on the floor. Perhaps the past teaches me to just complain and everything will look better - hey, blame someone else and you will see how your own burden gets light. A "wiser" past tells me to go into the theory of my own life, it will give me the wonderful feeling I know it all.

But... only but... I start to pay attention to this teacher. I start to read between lines, to catch its wisdom rather than its information or knowledge. And I really start to learn from my past. I learn light is better than shadows and I have it in myself, others also have it and I just have to switch it on - yes! the reason of the darkness I lived was not the absence of light, it was the fact I did not know how to switch it on.

I learn about the doors and windows in these huge walls that allow me to cross them so easily, and that I must go on - giving up and surrendering is simply not an option, it was a test by my teacher, the past, to see if I was alert. Sorry, no fight at the school, and instead of complaints, it is better to do something better. In a school, there are no blames, we are all learners, and my burden is my backpack, which is really nothing.

The wisest past is teaching me to understand life so that I can live it better.

Thank you, my sweet past, to bring me to this wonderful present.

Take care all of you!

You can be a student of the past, or a victim of the past.
Anthony Strano

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A positive approach about human kind

It is true that mankind has created very sofisticated means to destroy itself.

But it is also true we created many means to rebuild ourselves. Many more than the ones to destroy us.

Perhaps, that is hard to see when we look at the surface of things and situations. But all, destruction and construction, comes from the minds of men and women, children and elderly, people of all colours and paths of life.

This is now the time for rebuilding the world, to create a new society where what we value is so powerful, so powerful, that no trace of our capacity for destruction remains.

This is the time. Right now. Make your choice!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My heart, your heart

Some story tells us that one day, there was just one heart in the whole world. Everyone was connected to that one heart, until one person broke the connection. As a miracle, the person developed another heart and one by one, everyone got separated.


Now, at this time, another story is being performed. Those whose awareness is awaken are getting together, generating one heart again.

Not a physical heart, but sharing emotions and feelings, sharing values and hopes. Sharing life.

It is the time for mercy and compassion, when I am able to give others what I have most and take from them, with gentleness and apreciation, whatever they have to fill me in. In this world where things look worse every day, I give you my heart fully, so that whatever I have you can also get benefit from it.

Give your heart too, and we will build another world, a world of one heart. Again.

Friday, July 22, 2011


With the arrival of the last movie of Harry Potter, one thing I notice is that it does not matter the century we are all, with its technological advances: people love to dream.

There are probably two categories of people in the case of those who are queueing to watch the movie. First, there are those who just want to enjoy and live nice moments. Fantasy and dreams have this magical spell on us all that makes us to forget whatever is happening around and live a life that is not ours. After the two hours or so of the film, we are back to the old routine. Fast, the effect of that experience goes away sending us back to the same former state (or worse).

Another category is of those who are doing different things in their lives. They are already living a dream, and so the movie is more like a kind of reassurance. It works as an impulse so that the dream gets stronger and stronger. These kind of people very easily identify themselves with the characters and even though they won't do magic all around... well, forget that, they WILL do magic all around, but not the kind you show in a movie. They will learn how to get better and change faster. The movie will be a school session for such a people.

Which category are you? Take care!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Do you speak Globish?

Sometime ago, I've written about Globish, as it is probably the language I sepak when I think I am speaking (or writing English).

I am realising now that this is changing the way we all communicate. As Globish spreads its influence, not only the quality of English is changing, with less words and easy to understand, but also is pushing those who are English-speakers to change the way they talk.

And going beyond English, Globish has several others ramifications - two I have experienced in less than one month was Globuñol and Globugues.

It was an international meeting and a friend of mine was struggling a bit to translate someone's speech in Spanish into English. Reason: the lady was using a good and refined Spanish. So, beautiful words were virtually cut off and the translation was giving not much in essence, but with less sofistication and more understanding. Same happened to me in several occasions someone asked a question and I had to translated it into English - I have just cut the preamble off and concentrated in the question itself. That means, people who speak Spanish when relate to those who are English-speakers using their own original language, they must speak in Globuñol, as that will make it easier for translation.

The Globugues was worse - I am Brazilian, but I hardly speak Portuguese during the year. So, during my two weeks in Brazil, I realised I was using Globugues to communicated with others, restricting the words and meanings.

In all these cases and many more (like texting tks instead of thanks), communication is losing is façade, beautiful words and its decoration, focusing more in passing a meaning. In fact, paradoxically, our dialogues and talks are becoming richer with experiences.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

In silence...

In an age where there is so much to talk about and many ways to do this, go into voluntary silence seems obsolete.
However, entering all the whirlwind of noise, the self started to lose its stability.
Thus the search for a practice of voluntary silence that for years was associated with religious traditions or some sort of monastic self-flagellation.
Worldwide, many of the busiest people are seeking voluntarily to practice silence, mainly through seminars and retreats.
What causes this and what is really the result?

The incessant noise of the world has prevented people to make time for thinking and reflect on what really is happening. As human beings behind all actions and events there is something deeper, such as inner reactions, emotions, relationships and their impact, projections, etc.
Because of this, when what is happening behind, which is unknown, comes to the front, the person is not ready, and lot of unnecessary suffering comes.
When we get into silence, we have the ability to see what is happening behind and take action before it's too late.

In addition to the clarity of what is really going on, silence also heals on many levels. By being silent, physically and mentally, you have the time needed to reach conclusions in your own life and create a major change.
The other impact is to allow an "internal closet organization". It is a time to check what is happening internally, plans and projects, life as it is. Without silence, the cabinet will have to last disorganized until life decides that the individual needs to take time and forces him to do so.

There is no single way to remain silent, from complete silence to the silence of "speaking as little as possible", or just experience silence in mind.
It all depends on the effects the person wants to make in his/her life, time and energy available to be invested.

It is fundamental to set aside time to experience the silence, as it helps to understand the reasons and choose the correct method to experience it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What to do if something bad happens?

There are so many bad things that can happen to any of us, small or big. Question is: what to do?
Do you remember Charlie Brown and the guy with a blanket? That was his natural solution, just hold on his blue blanket and he felt safety. All problems went away just like that.
However, we have grown up, leaving our "blankets" behind. We are mature and experienced, we are supposed to know how to deal with situations now. No need of a "blanket".
No need?
In fact, all of us need something that gives us confort and safety. We all need something that generates in our hearts hope and the sweet and almost innocent feeling of bliss. We need a "blanket", probably an internal "blanket".
Inside ourselves there is something special and powerful. Something that can be accessed anytime. It is an inner space where safety is there and it is ours. All the time. We don't need something external, we just need that comes from within us. Happiness is a thought away...

Monday, May 30, 2011

The difficult side of travelling

I am not the biggest traveller in the world. I am not one of these guys who can count their miles, or end with lots of Platinum and Diamond Traveller Cards - in fact, I've just got a Gold one... but that is it!

However, after so many years travelling, I can say it is not easy and it is not becoming easier, as it should. Comfort, punctuality, company (during the trips), service on board, etc. are all factors that you can count will worsen along with the years.

Security is also a point - it fluctuates a lot, and you never if they will want you to strip your belt, or not. More advanced airports in more advanced countries spend a lot in security education curve - videos, hiring friendly people (the one in Madrid gets my high marks with their friendly Latin-american crew) and new machines. But for the passenger, that means to have to learn something new, even though it is a few minutes, after a wonderful 10-hour flight compressed between two very large, boring or intense people. Not nice, really.

I feel spirituality, specially meditation, helps me a lot to go through these trips which quite often turns into real nightmares. Whatever you chose, try something that enlightens you and makes the trip a worthwhile and wonderful experience, rather than something to avoid. And, by the way, avoid murder books - it may inspire you....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Putting values aside...

Is it me thinking and probably imagining here, or Mr. Obama just guaranteed another term?

Let's see... intervention in another country (Lybia)... Osama bin Laden... and boom! The old recipe for a president to be renewed in the White House. Looking back, we can see with Mr. Bush a similar fact - perhaps this is why Obama's caricature is quite similar to the Bush's ones.

What about the reason he was named for the White House? That big change, a new USA?

It seems quite human nowadays to have values, pursue them, but put them aside when the time of decision comes. We could call it compromising your values, or negotiating with them.

But then, if you sell your values, what really remains there? Is it enough for others to trust you?

Deep thought is: did I compromise my values, perhaps sometimes?

Take care and think before electing anyone in these times of uncertainty.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The secrets of happiness

If I use the title The Secrets of Happiness, I am sure I could get a big group together to listen to my voice, my ideas and hope they would serve them.

However, what if I think there are only two ways (REALLY) to find out about those secrets?

The first path, I would call The Path of Resignation: you just GIVE UP, and enjoy the happiness of this moment. The world has enough to give you happiness, it is just a question of looking for it.

The second path, The Path of Effort, it is for those who did not GIVE UP, and are still trying to find a sublime happiness, something they won't lose ever.

If you have plenty of money, good health and a good shape (face, body, etc.), you are quite entitled for the first path - why to look for something you already have? However, it is good to remember that most of the things that give us happiness one day won't be there for us. And in a world with so many changes, to rely on something external is to rely onto something that is not going to be there tomorrow.

If you want to thrive for real happiness, there is always a good opportunity, considering happiness as something you already have, it is inside you. It is a spiritual approach, and it comes from a very disciplined mind, a good heart and a deep desire to connect the self with himself or herself, and with a Supreme Soul. However, sometimes it is very hard to keep that connection in a world with so many changes and things happening all over.

Maybe... just maybe... you can take as much happiness can come from outside, and you can still connect yourself with that inner happiness that will never end. I think it is possible. Also, along with this approach, you can think of yourself as a donor of happiness - when you access that happiness inside the self, just allow it to overcome you and spread all over the place, and when you experience the happiness the world gives you, just share with others, making them happier.

The Path of Happiness, comes from outside, comes from inside.

Monday, April 25, 2011

All good, all bad...

Reading is often a pleasure, but for me most of the time is a necessity. As a business consultant, still looking for THAT job, I need to be aware of all is happening around.

It surprises me, however, when I find things that look so interesting, but at the same time something is missing. One article in The Economist did the trick this time.

After reading it, I remembered something that happened to me a short time ago. One of my job opportunities is a work with people from a Eastern country. I was sent to a webpage that checks the culture of people and I was amazed when they said those people were just like Latin Americans. Talking to a friend of mine she said the same.

Wondering, I finally found a friend's son, who works as the only Latin American manager in a company that comes from that Eastern country - all other managers are from that country. And his comments were totally different. He gave me an approach that matched what I heard from other people.

By reading that article, I find the same thing. It seems people base their assumptions on one side only - in this case, on the perspective of people from those countries we call developed. So, they see those Eastern people, they see Latin American and they say, well, they are all the same!

Globalisation is creating an impact. In Colombia, where I live, I find NOBODY whose lives were not changed by that - either because they work in a company, or their relatives or friends left to live in another country. More strange is the fact the author mentions several Indian names and I don't know a place where the globalisation effect is stronger than that wonderful country.

I think that if you have to check the effectiveness of something - and I agree it is time to review globalisation - you should take all approaches, not only the point of view of a piece of land. And, by the way, I went to Spain and that is a country enjoying the effects of globalisation. Just open your eyes, nothing is all bad, nothing is all good.

Take care!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is it a Hollywood movie?

Think about the movie you like most. Imagine some scenes, the music, dialogues.

Now, think about your own life. Any difference in that?

I feel movies (and other entertainment shows) are taking out the action of our own lives. Most people are starting to feel they live a bored life.

Few years back, a couple I've known "escaped" to live somewhere near Bogota, in a kind of heavenly place to start a new community of their own. First of all, they escaped from none - there was nothing preventing them doing that. Second, after a while they came back to the sweet boring comfortable life of a check at the end of the month.

In fact, your life is wonderful! My life is marvelous! Just see the greatness of it. It is better than a Hollywood movie, full of action. Each decision can change the whole scope of time, the whole universe.

Sit down and watch a little bit more your own life.

Take Care!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lost or loose thoughts?

  • I couldn't avoid... BroxZoosCobra's twitters were the best! Full of humour, at the same time took me into a nice tour around New York. It is still going on. I think INTERNET has become a wonderful way to know people with talent - whomever is representing the cobra is a great comedian. (or, you believe it was the cobra itself?)
  • Now I have the "modern" passport. Some people are calling it electronic passport, but it is the same one (two pages more...), about 3 times more expensive and with smaller letters. No complain, however.
  • Did you know life is always preparing you for something? My mind world map consists of very few countries where I would love to live, visit a few times or tour around. Korea is not one of them - my thoughts have always been in its neighbour, Japan (all my feelings for its people!). Anyway, a few years back I've met Ruth, an English woman who lived 30 years in Korea. Few years later, I've met a couple from Cartagena, Colombia, whose son was studying or working in Korea. About 2 years ago, I've met a young woman who was living in Brazil, guess where she was from?? Well, now I am about to kick off my first work of the year, with a company whose CEO is... YES! KOREAN! Then, I had all these people who gave me fascinating hints about the culture and people there.
  • In relation to the former entry, I was just checking a webpage, Although very professional, they say there that Korean culture is basically the same as Latin culture. Wrong, fellows! I am Latin and, no, no comparison with Korean. So, yesterday, when I was checking again on the Principle of Uncertainty, it confirmed my theory: you alter whatever you were observing. By watching each culture, people from this company they "changed" their culture.

Well, take care, see you soon!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Back to the New Economy!

Hi, sorry for the absence. Sometimes, my trips take to places where using internet becomes a luxury in many senses, but I am back to my present base.

Some years ago, I've got very interested in the topic of New Economy. It seemed to me quite exciting, really, a nice alternative to the communism/capitalism antagonism the world lived for many decades.

Then, it seemed it just disappeared in thin air, just like any other fashion. So, imagine my surprise when I saw those terms again... but, after a while, they merged into my mind again. But I started to notice many things around me.

First of all the present contradictions. Yes, if you an economist you could explain to me WHY USA HAS BECOME THE PLACE WHERE INVESTORS SENT THEIR MONEY, when that country was responsbile for the last (and many other) crisis in the first place. But, beyond your explanation, the fact we are living in this kind of economic limbo of New Economy, give me a very powerful idea: WHATEVER WE HAVE LEARNT IN THE PAST IS NOT WORKING ANY MORE.

That means, we all must learn different things in a different way. In a very different way. Can you explain why one of the most horrible songs uploaded in Youtube has become one of the most watched videos? Things are foggy.

So, I invite you to learn and teach different things in different ways, so that our human brotherhood can thrive successfully through the sometimes-dark waters of change.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

46 and very, very happy!

At some point, I have commented about the media, and one interesting case is The Economist. During an age where people are get so used to blog style (short and sweet), it is incredible a magazine with so many articles and written in such a depth (I also commend The New York Times, but that is for another post).
In the day of my 46th. birthday, I have stumbled upon an old issue which talked exactly about that age. A joyful Santa Claus jump over a hill and the wonderful title almost forced me to purchase that magazine (The joy of growing old, or why life begins at 46).
I always prefer to read from INTERNET, where I am the master and I can choose what I want to see (skipping all publicity). But that magazine, found at that special day... well, I don't believe in coincidences! It was a gift for me from life itself. Or from God. Whoever sent it, I thank Him/her/etc.
You can read the article, so I won't spoil your own pleasure. I am here to talk about that kind of interesting happiness.
I am not sure it is linked with age. I have been like that for about 10 years already, so this 46 number is not working properly. A few years ago, I've stopped to worry (but I still get concerned, no perfection yet) and I have seen many of my old traces of personality being changed.
I think it is not something physical. You cannot explain that with money or age, or statistics. It is something very internal that has to start from a different perception of the self and a deep love to learn.
I feel I have both. Every time I find I am a different person. I find myself in the same situations of the past, but with a different twist in my own mentality, attitude and awareness. Spirituality for me was the key to develop that part. So, although I am happy to know countries like Bhutan, France and the UK are interested in measuring well-being, still I feel you have to go even deeper than that. Sometimes, people think they are happy and you realize it is the weather that is sunny, or this person got a new job. Real happiness exists, no matter what, and it is a powerful very helpful inner resource when things go wrong.
Also, I feel it is important to measure the ability people have to learn, whether we talk about new skills or new ways to use old things in one's life. Very few people really learn. Sometimes it can look as a capacity, but my experience is that learning comes from a deep desire within. When you want to learn and you are open for that, then naturally you start to access the depth of your own being. And there, inside yourself, you find a kind of happiness that does not link with the outside world.
What about you? Are you happy???

A wonderful year for you!