Sunday, April 25, 2021

A new economy?

Years ago the term New Economy[1] was in and it referred to the huge possibility of change by the use of INTERNET and in fact we are seeing this effect already, accelerated by the pandemic.

However, there is a, let’s call it, a novel economy – an economy which emphasizes simplicity, less expense and a circular economy[2] (recycling, reusing, etc.).

I would like to focus on simplicity, a quality that changes the perception of consumes and production, two of the axes of a society from the economic point of view.

It changes the perspective of a flower, a plant, a loaf of bread, water and air… When you live on the basis of simplicity the minimum is often the maximum.

Even though it wouldn’t stimulate the gigantic monster created by an economy of consumerism, it would give relief to people and the environment, and probably would bring more equality in our society. Eventually, I am sure it would improve the economy in a very sustainable way.

In an individual, the effects are extremely clear: not only you don’t spend too much, but you are able to save and to have an aim in life different than buying something somewhere; there is a change in the effort you make for living and how you see your life.

Simplicity is like an earthquake that destroys anything that is extra, leaving what is really important.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The role of imagination during a crisis

One of the weirdest things happening during the pandemic is the increasing value people are giving to imagination. We see that by how much people are engrossed in watching television series, movies and a big etcetera.

But is it all?

In fact, imagination when it is focused gives power to people and make them realize other aspects of reality.

For instance, a wooden box is… a wooden box. But you can use it as:

  • A way to keep memories that are important to you.
  • A ladder to change a bulb.
  • A place to keep old school books.
  • A piece of decoration.

When a crisis comes, it means much of the present structure that helps you to live will go down. By using your mind as a wonderful tool, you can look – or re-look – at your life and give a different meaning to each component.

  • You can look at a relationship and rethink it, by seeing it in a different way. Maybe this person who is always giving you trouble may be the one who can help you in this new reality created by the crisis.
  • It is possible you won’t have work right now, what is a wonderful opportunity to learn something new, to change your career.
  • And what about that nosy neighbor? Maybe it is time to invite them for a lunch or something…

Don’t deny yourself the capacity to imagine… It will help you to focus and refocus life, live and relive…

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Stop binge-watching your life

I was reading a very clarifying article on binge-watch[1][2] and it struck me how much it is related to the present time, even though it is an old article, in terms of IT.

It struck me that people are binging their own lives, not only TV shows… Maybe I am doing it too!

Time for reflection: how many episodes have you been watching, of your own life?

Let’s pause here… I just ask you to pause watching your life in pieces and instead focus on the relevance of every scene you have been living...

Because different than TV shows, this is life, this is something alive and dynamic, and it cannot be restricted by a script.

Just pause… and understand the relevance of you reading this article.

Your present job.

The present family situation.

The last time you were with a friend.

The pandemic.

Your hobby.

New projects.

ALL… they are not for binging, they are alive, they are to be enjoyed each one in itself and as a whole.

 By doing this reflection you will be able to focus more, to experience more success and plenitude.

[1] binge-watch: to watch several episodes (= separate parts) of a television series or programme, one after another.

[2] How To Stop Binge-Watching From Ruining Your Life, Press Play On Your Life, Not Next On Netflix, by Niklas Göke.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Taking care of your sleep

To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question!

For some time, to sleep looked like a waste of time, a careless act.

But this changed and for some time, to sleep has turned the new healing tool; I have a friend of mine who used to be an advocate of a good sleep, lasting a good number of hours and it could change life.

But what is the way to potentiate your sleep in such way that your life may change?

First of all you have to frame sleep within a self-care process, which means sleeping is not only a biological procedure the body uses to renovate its energy. OK, it is, but if you want to change your life, you may want to think of it as the powerful tool it really is.

Second thing, what does sleep do to the self that it really heals? That understanding will help you to give relevance to that part of your physical biology.

The third and last thing you need to do is to improve its quality. It can be done in many different ways, depending on your personality, lifestyle and time availability. Three recommendations:

  • Try to eat before 2 hours you go to sleep. If you want to drink something, check it does not contain caffeine or anything that will prevent you to sleep.
  • Meditate, pray, think positive or journal within the thirty minutes before going to sleep. That positive energy will help a lot.
  • If you are not feeling easy and calm, try to solve some of those situations. Maybe not a full solution, but a soup for the soul, something comforting like talking with a good friend, watching a wonderful program or just reading that thing you would love.