Sunday, April 28, 2024

Your thoughts are the bricks for your reality

Some people don’t like their reality, maybe you are one of them, but I will tell you something that I hope it will help.


You create your own reality!


I have noticed that whenever I start to think in a negative way, things get so dark in my life! And the opposite is true too; I think well and very good things take place.

OK, it doesn’t happen all the time, but most of the time. The reason: I AM CREATING MY OWN REALITY.

It can be magical: I think about travelling and everything gets fixed for that.

Or, it can be because you and I are thinking in a positive way, it is easier to find solutions and to solve problems. In a negative way, recently I had some doubts about a trip I had to do and voilà, I couldn’t get the visa… Looking back, because of the lack of motivation, I tried the visa late and I misunderstood some instructions (it does not happen to me so often), and so on.

So, if you don’t like your reality, don’t worry, don’t overthink and don’t get disheartened. Start from the level of your thoughts and build up your new reality, brick by brick, thought by thought. One day, you will be living in a palace made by your best thoughts.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

How to REALLY get success?

Success is a slippery thing, but it is attainable and there are plenty of people out there to help you getting it.

Here are four things that will definitely make you reach a high point in your life, a definition of success:

  • Preparation. Many years ago, I listened to this question, which has helped me for many years: if everything you have gone through has been a training, what have you trained for? Success is the fruit, it is the result of all we have done and by recognizing what we really have done, we would understand the depth of our own success. Yes, right now, you and I are preparing ourselves for a big event in our lives, the moment in which success turns into reality.
  • Perseverance. Many things I am doing right now are not successful, but I don’t consider them as failure; for me, they are part of a process and there is always some benefit for me and others. Success is like a fruit, but it has to be taken care until it is ready for ripening; most of the things a normal person does are normal and success is the final result, the extraordinary fruit that comes from a very regular ordinary seed. Instead of giving up after failing, to get success try take one more step or change the way you do things.
  • Strategy and tactics. We often realize the need to change something when there is no force and no energy to do it. Then they come; by thinking in a strategic way, like a chess player, an individual can foresee future threats and empower themselves to face them, or future opportunities for which they need training. A good strategist will be humble enough to accept their mistakes and weaknesses, while keeping a good self-esteem, by acknowledging their strengthens and powers. But, be careful, because too much strategy can take you into a state of paralysis. Implement the decisions, by design tactics and methods. The victory is just ahead!
  • Keep swimming. A very wise yogi told a group of us that to get success, just keep moving ahead. Don’t stop, just walk forward… It seems a little simplistic, but many times, that is the best tactic. Success will come to those who never stop trying. Try, do it, don’t stop, just keep swimming in the ocean of possibilities the world is.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The possibilities to transform the impossible

Several times in life a person reaches a situation or circumstance that comes with the tag IMPOSSIBLE: it is something unattainable and unreachable, difficult and hard to make it, something that many try to avoid at all costs.

And yet, there are millions of IMPOSSIBLE things surrounding you and me right now… at least, they were IMPOSSIBLE at some moment in history. So, we can conclude IMPOSSIBLE things can take place; they can become POSSIBLE.

By exploring that possibility, there are basically 3 ways to turn the IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE:

Magic is the first thing you could think, but of course, magic does not exist. Right? Well… we can use the word Magic when something really unexpected happens. I remember the first time I travelled to India; I was earning monthly around US$ 300 while the ticket was about US$ 2,000, I didn’t even have passport, and yet, I’VE GOT IT! It was magicalMagic happens when there is faith on the IMPOSSIBLE becoming POSSIBLE and clarity on the results to be obtained. Try it!


The second possibility is simply called a Wonder, and that is the moment when the IMPOSSIBLE melts away and the POSSIBLE emerges from it. I live in the result of a wonder, a house belonging to an organization that does not charge any fees for their services. More than 15 years ago, we started having the aim for this house and eventually, it came up as a fruit of everyone’s effort. Wonders take place when there is a clear goal and others’ cooperation.


And, yes, we have Miracles. I had a few experiences in that area, but I am not talking here about the religious miracle; I am talking about miracle as that thing which is REALLY IMPOSSIBLE, UNATTAINABLE, but it happens. For so many years I used to have asthma attacks during winter, which was bad for me and my mother, whose sleep was deeply disturbed and she was full of worry about me. Then, at the age of 21, I went to India, DURING WINTER… but I didn’t have an asthma attack. In fact, it never came back! I am almost 60 and although my lungs are not excellent, asthma left my life at that point. The reason, according to my reflection: 1) of course, years of treatment helped; 2) I was more aware of my health and the environment I was living was much better than before, and 3) I was doing meditation and for me that was key for this Miracle. If you want a miracle, do your homework (treatment, dialogues, education, training, etc.), improve your life environment and have a spiritual practice.


Next time you face an IMPOSSIBLE situation, check about these possibilities and see how the IMPOSSIBLE changes into POSSIBLE. Good luck!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

What are the real effects of forgiving?


Forgiveness is more than being saintly, it is a healing tool, a way to repair broken bridges with other people and a wonderful way to experience constructive emotions. I would like to invite you to read this article about forgiveness, from the point of view of neuroscience: The Neurobiology of Forgiveness.

In my case, would like to share my own experience as I am in a spiritual path for more than 40 years, which I hope will motivate you to forgive. And be forgiven.

  • Forgiveness is healing for the one who forgives. In fact, I believe when I forgive, I am forgiving myself to have allowed that sorrow entering in my life or losing my own self-respect due to that.
  • Forgiving cannot be compulsory, it must flow. A very wise yoga teacher shared when she could not forgive; she decided to connect the person with someone who could provide whatever they need… She took her time, until she was able to at least talk to the person again, an important step.
  • Forgiveness is a way to others’ hearts. When you forgive someone, whether they know or not, a powerful energy links you both again… It may take time, but the relationship can resume.
  • Forgiveness does not necessarily mean that all changes because of it. It is a process of acknowledgment and, from this, you can change whatever is needed.
  • Forgiveness works best with best wishes, detachment and unconditional love.
  • Forgiveness works worse with expectations, grudging and blaming.
  • Forgiveness opens wounds, make sure you are prepared for it.
  • Forgiveness improves by meditating, praying and other spiritual practices.
  • Forgiving does not mean to talk to the other person. Do it when you are both ready.