Sunday, January 30, 2022

Peace and prosperity

The connection between peace and prosperity is obvious; if you look the world map, the peaceful is a country, the richer would be… more or less. In fact, one of the most violent regions in the world is not that poor and some of the poorest countries do not lack peace.

However, in terms of an individual, the peaceful the person is, the more prosperous he will be… right?

Again, it is not a definite affirmation; I am sure you know many people who are EXTREMELY peaceful and they are in bankruptcy too!

However, in a subtle level, when you are in peace, your mind works in a different way… it is more concentrated, focused and thoughts come not as a storm, but as a soft breeze…

The more peaceful someone is, their perception will be clear and so, to make decisions will be much easier than without that feeling of peace.

Besides, because the person is peaceful they will have a tendency to spend less time, energy and money, saving the most they can.

That’s right, at least in a subtle level, prosperity comes with inner peace.

So if you feel you have not found the key to prosperity, or you have lost it, just give it a try and experience meditation or other techniques that help you to be peaceful.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Xenophobia: when we are all foreigners

This morning, while walking around the city in which I live, I saw two families that touched my heart and I started to think of how the fear (sometimes a bad feeling) against foreigners can create problems for us and, of course, for them as I am sure at least their children are not going to any school…

This blog is not a political platform; rather than that, I try to raise awareness.

It is not for a social awareness either, but self-awareness… because, you see, we are all foreigners.

Our civilization has becoming an expert on splitting us, humans, into different categories and the land in which we were born is one of them. By this reality, I am Brazilian, a foreigner living in Colombia.

But my relatives are not original from the green giant; I have at least German and Spanish roots. In a way, I am a foreigner in relation to the land I was born!

Besides, I am human; how many species have been displaced for me to be where I am right now? We are all foreigners in relation to them.

And so on! In whichever way anyone looks, we are foreigners living at a place we shouldn’t be… should we?

Let’s look from another perspective: as a human, I can help other species to thrive, I can help them to live longer or to have better health.

As a descendant, I see the influence of my ancestors’ people everywhere in Brazil: food, language, lifestyle, etc. The impact is profound; it has changed the profile of a Brazilian.

As an immigrant in Colombia, I have been serving these people for almost 30 years and I am sure, some impact was done…

In other words, we as foreigners, change our reality. As the foreigner you are, which type of impact have you created?

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The superman

There is a concept I have heard a long time ago: a superman.

No, not the one from comics… but a Super-Man, a man who is super, extraordinary, and today is a day to talk about the possibility of being a superman.

We could think of a superman as a man with riches or any resources that make him amazing, like a millionaire helping children in Africa or a poor man who, with his work is able to send his child to college.

But I see a superman as a person – not only men – who is able to overcome any limitation and enable others to do so, and today I am remembering one of such a people.

Brahma Baba was a superman and I have met many superwomen and supermen he has helped them to become it; I want to count myself among those fortunate ones.


Do you know any superwoman or superman? How much has that person influenced you and helped you to bring about the best of yourself?

Maybe is it you that superperson?

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Zeroes and ones

There are three things we can learn from the use of zeroes and ones in the mathematic of life.

  • If 1 means a victory and 0, a defeat, then the exact position is to give your victories the front position. Don’t forget them ever, not as a gesture of arrogance or “bragging about it”, but as a reminder of your strength.
  • By giving a victory the front position, you will always remember it. Besides, if for any reason, your defeats come to your mind – they occupy the front position – well, zeroes to the right of one don’t affect it much… Your defeats won’t be included in the general result of your life, they have passed and your victory will outshine them.
  • And if you put zeroes behind the 1 – they occupy the back position – that means your victory was so great that your defeats, the zeroes of your life, make it even greater. For instance is someone wins a medal at some sports, that is something to celebrate, a wonderful victory, no doubt; if this person has some incapacity, had a rough childhood or his self-esteem is low, the victory will be even greater. In life, each defeat increases the value of each victory.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Old, new…

The old year just finished for you, but how do you intend to make the New Year… new?

Because, you know, things will be almost the same: same job, same family, some complicated neighbor and some very nice neighbor.

Your personality will be same and I am sure your tastes too!

You hair style may change, but not your hair… You can change the fashion of your clothes, but not the reasons to dress…

It is possible there will be new rulers over the same people, the same country, the same possibilities and problems.

So, where is the new part of the New Year?

Maybe when you go to work, interact with your family or neighbors you make the best effort to see them with new glasses, to avoid old types of thoughts and to send them the most beautiful energy you have in your heart.

Instead of trying to change your external appearance, why don’t you try to change your internal appearance? You can try a new attitude towards others or bring the best of yourself into your day-to-day life.

In fact, don’t need to try, just do it! Because you really can!

And the last thing, why don’t you try to be your own leader? In this way, no matter who is in the position of a ruler, your life and other people’s lives will take full benefit of the great person you are.