Sunday, July 29, 2018

Leaders are stars that remind many others of their own brilliance – Reason 51

A beautiful thing about being a leader is that you never shine alone…  Everywhere a leader goes, he or she enables the best to emerge in other people.  In other words, a real leader makes others shine, sometimes even brighter than her or him.

Whether it is in the office or along with relatives, in the company of friends or not so friendly people, in all circumstances, leaders inspire and help others to feel I can do better, no matter what it is.

It is not natural: a leader herself or himself has been inspired at some point and she or he has learned how to inspire others in a subtle way, as there are no courses that can teach it to anyone.

It is not obvious either, as a leader does not carry a visiting card announcing I am a leader and I am here to inspire you.  Most of the time, inspiration takes place just by being present, like the light of a star…

It requires work internally and externally: by refining thoughts and emotions, by understanding intentions and by creating bridges towards other people.

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Any company is important – Reason 50

We are seeing a world where social means social network and very few people are making effort to create real new company, outside an internet framework.

It seems we struggle by being with other people: there are complaints about this or that person, they suffer if the person is not there and also in their presence, and sometimes they go down the route of living alone as a way to deal with that – okay, maybe a dog can be a better companion…

Leaders have a different approach, because they see others as sources of wisdom, knowledge, talents, qualities and fun!  They are able to enjoy and learn from others, no matter whom they are or what they are like.  In fact, a leader will prefer to be surrounded by people who are different as in this way, he or she will use their commonalities as bridges and their differences will be embraced as valuable experiences, enriching each other.

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

Sunday, July 15, 2018

It is easy to adapt to a new environment – Reason 49

An old parable talks about the oak and the reed[1] that used to live close together: even though the oak was very strong and it used to brag about it, when a fierce storm came, only the apparently weak reed survived and lived on.

The oak symbolises the old paradigm and leadership model: beautiful in its greatness, big and strong, experienced and probably very talented, but with a tendency to treat others with mild scorn for what is seen as their weaknesses.  This type of leaders as well as oaks is unable to adapt to a new environment or situation.

On the other hand, the new model of leadership is just like the reeds: flexible.  They stimulate another perspective through the ability to react to situations by understanding them and by bending, without breaking.

Instead of fighting against a new environment, by being a leader the person is focusing on new possibilities and opportunities.  As a consequence, she or he adapts to the novelty, giving the best in the process.

[1] The oak and the reed is a parable by Aesop. You can read about it here:

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)