Sunday, July 8, 2018

Motivate from the inside – Reason 48

Motivation has two basic streams: from outside and from inside.  There are people travelling around and giving, RIGHT NOW, a motivational lecture on how to be happy, how to enjoy your work or how to be an excellent magnificent fantastic parent.  it works for certain people, during some periods of their lives.

The outside perspective for motivation may come from the perception that humans are like holes to be filled with something. However, most of the time, the human need for motivation is far deeper than just yelling ‘Yahoo!’ or climbing on a chair and proclaiming to the world ‘How wonderful I am!’.

The inside motivation comes from realisations, deep experiences, reflection and meditation.  These practices help in developing a deep sense of understanding the world on a different level and empower the individual to take very good decisions.  Humans are like wells that never go dry, but at times there is a need to explore it deeper to find water.

A few years ago, a young employee was going through a very bad period in his life, which affected directly his work.  His boss, as young as him, called him for a meeting in a restaurant and let him talk and say whatever was in his heart.  It was a very deep and emotional meeting, without reproaches, orders or even suggestions from his boss.  Many decades later, the then young man still remembers how motivated he felt and how little his boss did, and yet, how much his leader’s attitude mattered to him.

Because of their constant inner motivation, leaders serve as a catalyst, reminding others of their own inner wonders, their powers and qualities.

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

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