Sunday, July 15, 2018

It is easy to adapt to a new environment – Reason 49

An old parable talks about the oak and the reed[1] that used to live close together: even though the oak was very strong and it used to brag about it, when a fierce storm came, only the apparently weak reed survived and lived on.

The oak symbolises the old paradigm and leadership model: beautiful in its greatness, big and strong, experienced and probably very talented, but with a tendency to treat others with mild scorn for what is seen as their weaknesses.  This type of leaders as well as oaks is unable to adapt to a new environment or situation.

On the other hand, the new model of leadership is just like the reeds: flexible.  They stimulate another perspective through the ability to react to situations by understanding them and by bending, without breaking.

Instead of fighting against a new environment, by being a leader the person is focusing on new possibilities and opportunities.  As a consequence, she or he adapts to the novelty, giving the best in the process.

[1] The oak and the reed is a parable by Aesop. You can read about it here:

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

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