Sunday, August 28, 2022

Is it easy to be superman or superwoman?

A song has touched my heart and it affirms, again and again it’s not easy… to be that hero others expect you to be.

This is reflected in many movies and episodes: being a hero is not an easy job. Supermen and superwomen are becoming out of fashion…

And yet, maybe this is the moment humanity needs more than ever a hero. Or two. Perhaps more than that…

Climate change, politics, social issues, economics… Wherever you look, the signs of distress of a society in decline are visible. As per history, our civilization is about to be destroyed.

So, we, ordinary people, look at the sky, looking for a savior, a hero or a heroine to prevent that destruction.

We need people who are able to do sacrifices, help others beyond their limits and use their superpowers to overcome obstacles.

Unfortunately, we can’t find them. Perhaps, all we need is another point of view: would YOU like to be the next SuperWoman or SuperMan?

Your superpower could be mercy, gentleness or the incredible ability of not contaminating the planet.

Your sacrifice may be the end of old harmful habits like prejudice, wasting food, consumerism and many others.

If you accept, at every heart of those you help, a statue will be erected in your honor, a statue made of love, blessings and good wishes.

Please, accept… I’ve offered myself already, it is worthwhile.

Sunday, August 21, 2022


I have believed in reincarnation since I was a little child. Not sure who introduced me to the concept, but for me it was obvious that someone who dies, they have to come back.

However, in their new life, they won’t remember their past life. I have learned that it will be present in their attitude and their way to see the world, their virtues and their defects, their differences with their community and also their natural similarities.

So, I was thinking of this pandemic as a kind of death of a society. It means we are living in a reincarnated society.

A society that has forgotten what has happened.

A society whose people’s attitude is similar to their past attitude, even though they are claiming it is different.

Their way of seeing the world is not so different than before.

Virtues and defects are almost the same.

Back to the reincarnation, when there is that awareness, people are also cautious with their actions, trying to avoid the repetition of former mistakes and create a new life. Some would call it a rebirth, not only in the physical sense.

My hope is that our society also experiences a rebirth and people change their way of seeing life. Maybe I am the one to start with it…

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The fine balance for your success…

There is a special secret for those who believe we all have an inner compass: the East and the West.

Success – real success – comes when there is a balance of excellence in all areas of life: personal, working, health, spirituality, etc. This is why real success is often out of reach…

A few examples: you probably know people, whose health is amazing, but their relationship with others is horrible, and there are those whose career is ascending constantly, despite the fact they feel down in a personal level.

With this special secret, any person can reach for that balance: at every activity, use the light of your spirituality (the East) and the road of your life experiences (the West).

Before doing anything, particularly if it is impacting or relevant, practice spirituality by meditating or a praying. Also, check if the present capacity matches the need of those actions; if it doesn’t, maybe training is in order.

During activities, keep the spiritual light on; something written can serve as a reminder and from time to time, read it. Jump into the action, by being effective and highly productive.

After those actions, sit down and practice spirituality again. Gratitude may be expressed or just a reflection on what took place. Learning the lessons and planning changes will help improving performance next time.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Check your values at every step

Being a value-oriented person is much more than just being a nice person – it means your actions are connected with your core.

Let me explain: we are like lettuce. It means we have several layers, but there is a central core, the innermost part of the self. Most of the time, our relationships, work, study and the various ways we interact with the world are done from the most superficial layer, which is basically what we write in our curriculum vitae.

However, the main source of energy is in the core of our being, which is full of peace, love, purity and many other wonderful qualities. They try very hard to come into our interaction and to be part of our lives, and that is through values.

When we enable our values to be part of our lives by shaping our decisions, the resulting actions will be full of those qualities and the outcome will be an accomplished life. Then, why don’t we do that?

First reason is that we are used to act from the outer layer, and it is not that bad… a few stains here and there, that’s all! Most of the time… To change it we need to work on our attitude and our awareness, and go deeply, before taking any decision and any step.

Second reason is not good, but we are living in a world in which values have become political weapons. That is the environment we are watching in the news and we experience it when we start to talk with other people. We have to depoliticize values and that starts by not imposing our values onto other people.

The third reason is that people don’t have access to their core. It is often done by praying, meditating or living a spiritual life. Besides those who do have access don’t always implement them into their mundane lives… they are a bit flying in the moon… The best thing here is to start using some technique to live those values and to make sure they also become part of a normal common life.