Sunday, September 27, 2020

8 asana of the heart – my heart takes the form of a REFUGE

If love would flow like a river, eventually it would create a lake of love. You may use your imagination and visualize your heart taking the shape of a big area filled with that healing force, like a lake…

That lake is a refuge and when you feel pain, when life seems to be mean and cruel or when things are really going wrong, it will relief you of your emotional burden.

As a refuge, others may come at your door and by feeling that powerful love of yours, they will experience relief of their own pain and suffering.

Don’t forget to do maintenance of that lake, so the water of your love doesn’t get stagnated… and the best way is to experience it every day, to let others come and get some of your love or to let others feel your loving presence through your smile, some words or your extended hand.


This post is part of a series called 8 asana of the heart.

I recommend you to watch 8 postures of the heart.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

8 asana of the heart – my love flows and turns into a river of FORGIVENESS

People do things that hurt us, sometimes very deeply.

And when we are honest, we realize we also hurt others…

FORGIVENESS is that beautiful and so necessary human feature that enables a person to heal and to open windows and doors for those who hurt them. But how does that work?

First of all, let’s not confuse forgiving with forgetting. Although the fusion of both may be the ideal, it is not always possible as forgetting may cause some damage in the long term (someone may try to hurt you again). Remembering with forgiveness is probably the best because your relationship won’t get tainted by what others have done in the past.

To really forgive someone, the first step is to connect the self to the deep love we all have within. Any love does not work; it has to be an unconditional love.

Many years ago, one of the founders of an ashram, a spiritual place, in Scotland shared how they worked so hard to create it, particularly her and the husband. But one day he left her for another woman who has come to this place. The spiritual founder reached the conclusion she had only one path due to her background: unconditional love. Eventually the miracle of that love brought her former husband back… along with the person he was now married. Still, she got a friend back and both worked together again until his demise.

That is forgiveness, to let love flow like a river that disintegrates all the bad things due to its speed and strength. To value the intentions and the quality of that person, come on, let your heart take the shape of a powerful river…


Whom are you going to forgive today?

Whose love are you going to experience today and feel you are forgiven?


This post is part of a series called 8 asana of the heart.

I recommend you to watch 8 postures of the heart.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

8 asana of the heart - when love means COMPASSION

With a friend of mine, we got into a very friendly argument in relation to the difference between mercy and COMPASSION.

The word compassion is very specific as it comes from Latin and it could be translated as concern for others' suffering. That means whenever others are suffering (passion), a compassionate person will feel for them and will embrace them.

The best example I have heard and I am sure you too have heard is Mother Theresa of Calcutta, the one whose life was of pure compassion. Even though she was not an expert of the field of compassion she has chosen, which was related to health, her mission in life was to shelter all those nobody wanted to help. In fact, she literally embraced people with leprosy and other kinds of ailments, without taking into account her own health.

OK, maybe you don’t want to get into that extreme, but think of compassion as the love that washes others' suffering. Maybe the reason for that suffering is still going on, but the person will feel that healing love within their mind.

An image I use for compassion is a waterfall. By being brought up in Brazil, I used to go to many waterfalls in different parts of the country and the sensation was not only good, but it was as if I was been cleansed.

Now, imagine a waterfall of love, falling upon you and others. A waterfall of love that heals and comforts the soul, helping others to feel hope again and to expect a positive outcome even when all looks bleak or terrible.

The argument I had with my friend was not really finalized, but I think there is a point in common: with our love we can heal.

So, just change the shape of your heart, let your love flow in such a way that others feel relief from their inner pain. It can be done by sending them vibrations or by listening to them and make them feel they are important.

Or it can be just by you remembering their birthday and telling them that no matter what they are, you love them...


This post is part of a series called 8 asana of the heart.

I recommend you to watch 8 postures of the heart.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

8 asana of the heart - being MERCIFUL

People create problems, right? That is normal and it is accepted, at least until a certain point. It is part of the game of relationships and a healthy relationship is capable of embracing that reality, forgiving and moving on.

But some problems cause deep wounds in the soul. Other people you know have hurt others; some have hurt you. And, yes, sometimes you have hurt others. What is the medicine for such a hurt?

To respond with the word love would look cheap for me a few years ago; that was when I decided to explore the subject of love and I was able to dismiss the type that offers an easy and simplistic answer. It is simply not realistic as love cannot heal anybody by itself, just like a hug can't heal a child who fell; it is just an emotional response, it just provides some psychological support and, of course, it is worthwhile. But it does not heal.

However, love can be expressed in various ways and there is a form that heals. MERCY.

Mercy is a type of love that comes from a particular relationship or even profession, so it does not fluctuate easily and it is much focused. How is mercy used to heal a relationship? The person will use their specialty to help the other one.

A mother will help her child by giving advice or by unburden him or her of some chores.

A doctor will treat their patient by giving medicine, but mostly by giving the best of their expertise.

A salesman will give a chance for another person to accomplish their dream.

A spiritual person maybe won't give something physical, but their words and their vibrations are very merciful.


How are you going to express mercy towards other people today?


This post is part of a series called 8 asana of the heart.

I recommend you to watch 8 postures of the heart.