Saturday, March 26, 2022

Taking care of our health…

It is an important element of these days and everybody seems to be thinking about their health. But one day this shall pass and then we shall go back to our old ways… I hope not.

Health is wealth as it enables you to do as many things as possible and obtain resources. If you have health, but no wealth, you can at least generate the minimum resources for your life, but if you have wealth without health is like having feet but not shoes…

And health is a very complex topic as our bodies are complex. But we need to not only take care of it during the crisis, but learn to take care of it at all times.

Let’s not forget our mental health as we fight against being in enclosed spaces or living with other people in ways we were not ready for that.

I am not from healthcare, but I would like to suggest you to take care of your health in three different ways, based on my many experiences of dealing with my own body:
Let’s keep on checking with doctors. Although this present crisis has shown us that we must learn how to research on health topics and we shouldn’t be depending only on doctors, it is important to insert them to our life, and according to our lifestyle, since there are many avenues of medicine.
We take care of our lifestyle. A good diet, a powerful routine of exercises and many habits will help us to improve our capacity and immune system. It is time to invest time and energy developing all of those.
Spirituality also helps. It is a very wrongful myth that spiritual people don’t take care of their health, but even many spiritual people also believed it. In fact, by developing spirituality we will naturally take care of our body, as we will understand the importance of health in our lives. Practices as meditation or prayers have a wonderful effect in health too.

This is the first of a series of articles on self-care.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

When coaching can’t work a miracle

I’ve started to study about coaching many years ago, but my first real experience to coaching was as an unwillingly coachee and the coach in this case just attacked me, by firing a series of questions. Of course, one of a coach’s skills is to confront the coachee, but I am sure that was coming from a very dark place as she just wanted me to change and I am sorry if I could not change in less than half an hour.

Maybe that is why I’ve taken time to embrace my role as a coach, because I do believe in it and my coachees have had very good experiences, but I don’t believe in miracles as my first unintended coach wanted. Unfortunately, many people advertise coaching as a way of doing miracles.

Coaching technique is fascinating and it really works, but we have to bear in mind any change is limited by three main actors: the coach, the coachee and life.

The coach must provide the best of themselves, making the effort to help the coachee to find new ways to attain whatever is not possible at present. Skills are important, but more than that is the will from the coach to benefit the other person and the energy she or he contributes to the process.

A coachee is not a passive actor and they require committing themselves with the task at hand: a personal change. Even though the coachee allows the coach to direct the process, they should be aware all the time and not fall into the trap of what the coach wants for me.

But life will play a valuable part here, by providing or not resources for the impossible to become possible. And there are times when even though both worked hardly and efficiently, things won’t work well… If that happens, both actors should remind themselves to find success in the failure in the form of a lesson or something intangible attained during that process, such as patience, and move on.

So, no miracles, but coaching is a very clever way to get changes taking place.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Satisfaction is so natural – Reason 38

When you eat something nutritious and tasty, you feel that wonderful sensation, as if the world is the most wonderful place…  But, after a few hours, that type of satisfaction will end, and the same could be said to toys, cars, holidays and people’s company.

Most of the world is looking for a different type of satisfaction, but only find the one that is as ephemeral as it was sung in the 1960’s by The Rolling Stones[1].  Ultimately does not give long-lasting gratification.

One of the reasons is that most of time we take satisfaction from actions and external situations.  However, leaders find satisfaction inside themselves, using the external not as a source, but as a means to make other people realise what the leader is inside.

For instance, maybe a person will look for a friend with whom to talk and go out, and his satisfaction will rely on that interaction.  On the contrary, a leader will have something to talk about and when a friend comes their conversation will happen.

It is good to be a leader as she or he IS a satisfied person, and has no need to create external means in order get to that point.

[1] (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction is a song composed by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, the leaders of The Rolling Stones, launched on June 6th 1965.

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Cultivating a not-so valued treasure

Talking about values is an interesting topic. After all we all love to have cheerful friends, peaceful parents and honest co-workers. But there is little thought on how that come to be…

Why is Richard so happy? Is that something happened in his life and so this is why he is like that? Gens?
Why are your parents so peaceful? Anne’s parents are always restless or angry… Does that have something to do with their beliefs?
And what about Joanna? I have never heard a lie coming out her mouth during all the time I’ve been working with her and I don’t understand how that is even possible!

But when values are under threat – and crises particularly create an interesting environment that threatens our deepest values – it is time to rethink them, revise them and reinforce them.

Richard has lost his mother and is in profound depression.
One of your parents had had an affair and that is affecting their lives a lot.
And Joanna finally lied to me!! All because she wanted my position in the company.

This is part of self-care: to treasure your values. Even though you often don’t notice their importance, the reality is they affect your relationships and the way you relate to your environment.

The first thing you should do is to rethink them in relation to the present situation. For instance, how can Richard be happy now that his mother has left? A good answer could be she would like him to keep on being happy after her departure. The difficult and deepest answer is to find the roots of happiness and work on them.

The second thing is to revise the values. For instance, maybe your parents can’t be peaceful anymore, but why not being stable or assertive? Values can be exchangeable and if one value does not work in that situation anymore, another one may replace them. If you want to go even deeper you could think about peace, where peace comes from and how to being peaceful even in awful circumstances.

Last thing is to develop the capacity of the values, that is, to reinforce them. So, Joanna was attacked by greed or need and she decided to leave aside her value of honesty; maybe if she took a course of assertiveness or if she would learn a mediation process, we could talk and find a solution. You could go even deeper and try to understand where honesty comes and reinforce that part.

As part of your self-care, I would like to share an easy homework: create a list of values, rethink them in relation to the present environment, revise them and apply certain techniques to adjust them, and reinforce them.

This is part of a series of posts on self-care.