Sunday, December 25, 2011

Words for a New Year

Some people are arguing, saying that time is passing faster, really faster. Whether it is true or not, reality is that 2011 was over and now we are entering 2012. And it did look fast.

2012 will be an interesting year. Many things are programmed everywhere in the world, but also crisis will tend to happen more often in various scenarios and dimensions of life. With that in mind, it is good to start 2012 with some words which can be powerful for your life. These are an extract of a small text I have sent as my Christmas gift to everyone - just to explain a bit of the background, it is a fictional idea of 2012 being the last year of my (ours) life(ves).
  • If someone hurts your heart, talk to yourself and talk to God. God is the doctor of the soul, He will heal you and give you even more love.
  • Never think negative of others, because the first person who experiences that negativity is yourself.
  • If you want to take revenge on someone who causes you harm, the best way is to give him or her love, mercy, understanding and a new chance.
  • If sorrow knocks at your door, don’t open it.
  • Even though happiness does not knock at your door, open it and invite her to come in.
  • There are no excuses to not do something: responsibility and action will help you to grow.
  • If at some point a smile vanishes from your face, talk to God, with a friend or remember something pleasant. Don’t stay without a smile, not even for a second.
  • If you think of something unpleasant that happened in your life, pretend it is just a movie and clap at the protagonist, which means, yourself.
  • When pain comes, don’t stand it. With love and respect for your own body, surrender it to whoever can heal it. But don’t allow the pain reaches inside your being; to avoid that, talk to God and feel His healing love.
  • Don’t deceive yourself about your situation, but do not exaggerate in relation to your destiny. Each day is more valuable, when you know you will be leaving someday – it is better to enjoy these days rather than think when they will be over.
  • Don’t be afraid to say “I am leaving”. Understand better its meaning, talk to yourself and with others.
  • Don’t be afraid of what is waiting for you. You will reap the seeds you’ve sown, so take advantage of your last days to sow even more seeds, not in the fear of what will come.
  • Love. Don’t stop loving, never.

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Happy Christmas

Around three decades ago, John Lennon would launch a new song with great success: "Happy Christmas The War is Over" was not only a big success, but it gave the world a more modern way to celebrate this important date.

However, three decades ago, the war is definitely not over. Yes, looking at the world I cannot help but admiring that the effort of so many people have bear some fruit and we have a world without wars between countries, for the longest term since 1900 came.

But the wars have been transferred to within the countries, the cities and homes. I am not talking either about terrorism, but the war in the minds of men and women, which creates conflicts and problems everywhere.

In that case, the war is over is if you want it (as the song says). If I want, the war is over, as my mind is mine and I can control the emerging thoughts and feelings. But, why don't I (you, we) do it?

Probably the main reason is that there is something still lacking in the self. So, "Happy Christmas" starts from filling the self completely. We need few things in life: peace, love, happiness, power and purity, all of them can be obtained, because we already have them inside. Through meditation or some other technique, I must connect with that quality within and just enjoy it.

Then, the war internally will be over. And, one day, Lennon's dream will be fulfilled.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What about male leadership?

There is no doubt that not only women are ascending to power, but men are losing that power. There are many articles and essays on that, especially in United States and the reality is that a new paradigm is being created.

However, I was in a retreat on Leadership. My co-facilitator is an old friend, and one of her topics was female leadership. It was then I had an interesting realization.

First of all, she commented at some point that what is happening now is that women are increasing their status, but it shouldn't be that men lose theirs. It was then, I have started to look at the male leadership issue with different eyes.

Another point came from myself: leadership will be different performed, according to the person, his/her culture, the moment they are living, etc. So, why not to be a male leader?

First, let me clarify: female or male leadership does not have anything to do with gender, as we have seen women who were typically male leaders, and men who were female leaders. But, of course, it is easier for a man to be a male leader than a woman.

Male leadership stands for creation and creativity, zeal, enthusiasm, courage, energy, power, greatness, honor and all the things you have watched in old movies or read in books of such a times. Nowadays, what we see, is a travesty of that leadership where creativity destroyed nature, courage killed other people, power became a tool for self-serving, greatness turned into arrogance and, the worse probably, honor was lost forever.

To recover that kind of leadership will be a hard task, but my realization is that female leadership won't work without is counterpart - and possibly in the past, they were together providing the best from humankind to humankind.

It will require a new version of a man, a softer and firmer version, but I think it is really possible. It will require to see the world in a different perspective where violence does not have a place in a new society.