Friday, December 16, 2011

A Happy Christmas

Around three decades ago, John Lennon would launch a new song with great success: "Happy Christmas The War is Over" was not only a big success, but it gave the world a more modern way to celebrate this important date.

However, three decades ago, the war is definitely not over. Yes, looking at the world I cannot help but admiring that the effort of so many people have bear some fruit and we have a world without wars between countries, for the longest term since 1900 came.

But the wars have been transferred to within the countries, the cities and homes. I am not talking either about terrorism, but the war in the minds of men and women, which creates conflicts and problems everywhere.

In that case, the war is over is if you want it (as the song says). If I want, the war is over, as my mind is mine and I can control the emerging thoughts and feelings. But, why don't I (you, we) do it?

Probably the main reason is that there is something still lacking in the self. So, "Happy Christmas" starts from filling the self completely. We need few things in life: peace, love, happiness, power and purity, all of them can be obtained, because we already have them inside. Through meditation or some other technique, I must connect with that quality within and just enjoy it.

Then, the war internally will be over. And, one day, Lennon's dream will be fulfilled.

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