Sunday, July 26, 2015

Perspective can change everything

Check this short video. Isn't perspective amazing? Whatever you think it is, it is not, and however you think something is, it is not.

Check now this other video... This is also a perspective. When a TV show changes a shelter dining area into a five-star restaurant, it is an amazing experience for people who sometimes don't have amazing experiences every day.

Now, check your own life. Yes, make an experiment of changing your own perspective and I am sure your life will change.
What if I think as a person 20 years younger? Or 20 years older?
What if I think as a person of the other gender?
Let me make a case in favor of that person who creates so much trouble for me... Let me see what his reasons are.
What if I could not afford to have not even a computer? What would I be doing right at this moment?
If I were a millionaire, what would I do?
What if I was born in a different country and I was brought up in a different religion? How would I behave, eat, dress, etc.?

It is a powerful change game. Do it, a couple of times every year, and you will master your own change eventually.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hey, you are on stage!

Many years ago, a famous Brazilian actress stumbled upon a rug during a play. Without losing her style, she looked at her uncle, performed by another famous actor, and said: Uncle, I have told you many times to be careful about this rug!

It was an improvised and brilliant moment. For us, who are also actors on this world stage as Shakespeare used to say, many times the rug is not where it was supposed to be. But, different than that actress, we often react badly to unexpected challenges.

This awareness can be helpful, that we are all actors and we are on stage, all the time. That will make us take every step with care, love, compassion and energy.

Whether we are with our family or in our workplace, we will be conscious that any thing we say will be recorded by their powerful minds and memories, and that will shape their relationship with us. Any error we do will be seen, heard and felt.

Hummm... Ok, that can take you to a very paranoid stage of mind. It requires some balance by using your private moments in a very worthwhile way. Even when you are just having fun, remind yourself that will help you to make better decisions or it will strengthen the bond within your family. A hero is always a hero, but relaxing, enjoying and being yourself is extremely important.

So, check your lines for today. These are some questions that can help you:

  • How prepared am I to face this situation? Which kind of training, coaching or resources do I need for that?
  • What will be my attitude when I meet a person? How do I want to express my feelings and needs to them?
  • If anything happens outside my schedule, something I am not prepared for, how will I deal with it? If I realize I couldn't deal, what should I do, during and after the situation?
  • How do I want to feel at the end of this day? How to reach to that point?
Ready for an Oscar award from life? It is waiting for you...

Sunday, July 12, 2015

How to be a coach for yourself and others

After their victories, many athletes thank their coaches for their success. Why is that?

It is clear the athlete has won, not the coach. It is clear the talent, intelligence or capacity belonged to the athlete who won, not the coach. Why to thank him or her?

Everyone has potentials, but many times it is not properly developed. We got stuck into so many things that we just let our potential to be dormant whilst we are doing our own business. The coach's task is to help an individual to live that potential fully and to show that to the world.

For that, the coach would use many different techniques and skills. There will be an intense training and constant corrections, besides lots of celebrations every time that potential shows itself in a practical form. Without a coach, an athlete as good as they are, will be just another athlete, just another person.

Be your own coach and also help others using that attitude.

  • You yourself must have some things clear, like the potential of someone, you or another person, and their dreams. As a coach, your success is your coachee's success.
  • When there is a challenge, focus on the potential. The reality is there, you don't need to think of it or make others think of it. Just focus on the possibility of overcoming the challenge.
  • Create a routine for training. Don't make excuses, don't accept excuses. Help in such a way the training happens naturally.
  • When there is a drawback, talk. Dialogue helps things to be clear and the inner barriers to be removed.
  • Never lose hope, never get disappointed. No matter what, potentials go back to their original state, that is, they go back to sleep. When things get bad, just go back to training and dialogue.
  • A success has to be celebrated. Celebration helps to make the potential part of the individual, a feature or skill that will be easier to use when time comes.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Evolution depends on you

After studying about evolution in school, my first thought was: Why did we stop?

Yes, in terms of science and technology we are evolving. There is no doubt about human greatness when you see the first moons of Pluto or a vaccine for Ebola.

Yes, as a community we are more open to embrace differences. And it seems we run faster and are older than our ancestors.

However, when we see the killing on the name of religion or ethnicity, or we hear on how violence is increasing inside the otherwise safe home, we see a different reality.

In fact, we have lost so many values along the time. Take HONOR for instance and try to find it around. It is extinct, living in our memory of what our grandparents used to say, books and movies.

In fact, we have lost touch with our spiritual side so much and our own humanity. We are destroying our environment - not the governments or big companies, WE - and it seems there is no way to stop it.

My realization is that if we want to really evolve, stopping the killing, violence, recovering values and our natural environment, we have to work on our own evolution. I am not saying here we should drink medicines or change our arms into bionic ones; I am talking from inside.

Different than a natural evolution, human evolution happens on a total different level. It starts inside from a realization and normally from one person or a small group of people. Then it spreads around until it reaches the whole world. We have that already: when someone realized enslave another person is wrong or the other gender has similar rights. But we need more and we need it faster.

Otherwise one day, we will be the case of study, not some birds or tortoises.