Sunday, October 25, 2020

And the pandemic is over, so what?

Yes, it is not over yet, but we have gone through the worse… I think…

Anyway, part of my effort has been to design the next stage for myself, before the situations designed it.

So, it is important to have a vision of the future and to start planning for three things:

  • What are the lessons? A worldwide reflection is probably the best solution, but if you and I reflect on it, that will do, at least for our circle of influence. By the way, a lesson is not something you know, but rather something you are applying to your life.
  • Which of the new habits we adopted during the pandemic are worth to keep? Probably nobody will want to see a mask for quite a while, but what about washing hands so many times? Social distancing? Less car, more open space? There are not only good habits that came from this crisis; they may save us from a future similar one.
  • How to adjust our new reality to live better and to prevent future crises? The pandemic was one crisis, but many others are underlying there such as the economic crisis and the social crisis. It is time that we change the route of our civilization – the pandemic and other crises they are an alarm we should not dismiss that something is very wrong.

So before going back to your favorite shopping mall or that party, reflect on these and let’s start a change that is really overdue.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Different types of fear and solutions

If we think about phobias, an irrational fear of something that really should not cause harm, there are about 100 different types - how to solve all that?

What about rational fears? Will I get a job? Will I survive this pandemic? My partner does not look at me anymore, could it be that...?

Fear has captured our civilization and there are three solutions that can serve fears, clarifying that it will work if they are not linked to psychological problems or trauma.


The first solution is the one that comes from instinct: to evade or flee from what causes fear. The image in movies of people who see something scary and run away is not so out of reality, but when looking at nature, fear manifested in this way is a positive force, as it helps the survival of the species.

In an urban and modern context it is lost; While running off because someone dressed in black showed up on the corner, while you were coming back late after a day of work at night may fit the definition of fear for survival, but what about the fear of being alone at home?


The second solution is the one that many would recommend: to face your own fears.

It is counterintuitive and requires a lot of willpower, but by doing what you are afraid to do, being next to what you fear or talking to a person who generates fear, you increase your own resilience and even help you face other fears.


The last solution is to work on personal resilience through self-empowerment which can be through meditation, reflection or something similar.

Specifically the development of the power of tolerance and conformity that arise with these practices improve the person being less scared. The reason is that by empowering yourself, there is the experience of safety and the clarity of what to do when something causes fear.


You know what? The most important thing and you can consider as the solution number zero to be able to get out of the atmosphere of fear: work on the fear that you feel of fear itself...

Sunday, October 11, 2020

8 asana of the heart – when your heart is the size of the HORIZON

Use your imagination a bit and think that you are totally free from this world. Visualize yourself at the top of a mountain and taste the freedom…

But it is not any freedom. It comes with you allowing your love to flow in a limitless way.

Freedom can come because you fight or you just leave a situation behind. However, when it comes from love, it becomes something else.

Back to your imagination, just look ahead while you are at the top of the mountain. Look ahead and see the infinity of the HORIZON and let your love become just like that: unlimited and broad, great and powerful.

Your love can give you wings so that you can fly towards that horizon and just be part of it.

When you allow your heart to grow more and more, until it reaches the unlimited, you are enabling yourself to experience a very deep freedom.

The freedom of the past.

The freedom of attachments.

The freedom of your own personality.

The freedom of any limitations.

Now more than ever, the world needs that type of love; just practice this powerful asana of the heart and changes it into the horizon…


This post is part of a series called 8 asana of the heart.

I recommend you to watch 8 postures of the heart.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

8 asana of the heart – a LEVER?


Love can be creative, so think of your heart as a LEVER

Hard? Maybe, but the idea is that love can change the world…[1]

Just check your life and think of an area of your existence that is in crisis, a big crisis – maybe confusion, perhaps anger. Now, focus on your own love, the love that is in your heart… let that love flows through you and through that wound.

After one or two days doing that, just check because I am sure things would have changed, at least partially.

Why? Love activates the best of you and it is obvious that part of the best of you keeps the solution for your problem. When you feel love in a conscious way, you are also opening the door of many other beautiful things that you keep there in the cupboard of the self.

Love is the lever that opens a treasure within, but most of the time we don’t use love in that way. So, try again: think of your heart as a LEVER.

Another image you can use is your heart as a lift that elevates you, because by connecting with all that reservoir of love, you are also increasing dramatically your own self-esteem.

Problems look so small from up above…

Let your love make you open difficult doors or elevate yourself. Problems will still be problems, but you will have the key in your hand.


This post is part of a series called 8 asana of the heart.

I recommend you to watch 8 postures of the heart.

[1] Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world. Archimedes (c.287 – c.212 BC)