Sunday, December 25, 2016

Lights of Christmas

If you would overfly the world, during Christmas, you would notice a wonderful Christmas tree with so many lights all over the place, in the shape of a beautiful blue globe.

And you would be able to hear the children’s laughter and see the wonder in their faces when they open their gifts. You would be able to catch the tender feelings of adults of any age and the happiness merged in the giving and taking that happens around that time.

But you would also see so many dark spots in the planet. Yes, a few of them are people who don’t believe necessarily in this tradition, but celebrate somehow in their own ways, the hope and joy and unity in their lives.

However, there are some dark spots that look even darker, because even though they do like Christmas, the tree and the lights, they do like hope and joy and unity, they don’t have neither of them…

And you would wonder “how come there are so many lights if so many people can’t have them?” And in your mind, you would visualize the whole world covered with lights.

For those who don’t have a Christmas tree, their light would be coming from their eyes and spirit, from their hearts and smiles. And you would be able to see hope embracing them once more, joy coming into their places unannounced and mostly welcome.

And you would see with your own eyes shining like a Christmas tree, their hearts uniting like magic and the sorrow, at least for one night, flying away scared of so much light…

And because all of that is happening in the subtle screen of your mind, you wouldn’t need to fly to do that. You can do it… right now…

Merry Christmas for a world full of light!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

One week for Christmas, what to do?

Many people are totally focused in gifts. Other people have to conclude their works for the year as fast as possible. Of course, Christmas is coming.

The most universal Christian festivity is approaching very fast with colored packages, bulb lights, special movies, plays, songs, etc.

And yet, instead of getting caught into the frenzy of too many things, it should be a time of experiencing and giving happiness. This is a unique chance to go beyond the present situations and enjoy life and others, with no reason, just because we are all there.

It is the time to enjoy nature – if your weather allows for that – and talk to your elders, to the children and those equal to you. And if weather blocks you at the door, just smile and enjoy a nice warm cozy time within your house.

Maybe, it is the time to call that person who created so many problems for you or who have mistreated you. It is a time to forgive and ask for forgiveness, to give a hand and to receive help from many.

It is a time to open your heart… A bit more… Dancing on Christmas rhythm, when the impossible turns to be quite probable.

Because after Christmas… Well, it will be after Christmas and all magic will be over. The magic is now.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sincerity may help your relationship

There are probably two killers of any relationship, common to any people no matter where they live or to which culture they belong to: routine and sincerity.

Particularly it is interesting on how this high praised and needed virtue can be a relationship killer. Honesty is fundamental, but in its heavy metal version, where honest words taste like bullets and hearts are destroyed, sincerity turns to be lethal.

And yet… Well, by studying virtues, I have notice they cannot work by themselves and they need to pair in the right order. For instance, humility can make people turn losers in life, but with courage or self-esteem, it helps bosses to be effective, human oriented and very effective.

At times when lying is so common and socially accepted in many cultures I know, at least at some level, an honest person is extremely valuable. Sincerity is even more treasured, as the person will have the courage to say whatever is in his mind… with kindness.

Probably the most spiritual and kind man I know, he is able to make you realize your mistakes without really telling them. He is open and trusting, and yet he is clear about his thoughts and feelings and don’t act against them, which is the core of sincerity.

Without sincerity, a relationship will be like a cliff hanger: you are really not sure about what will happen next…

Kindness, gentleness and mercy help sincerity to become an asset to the soul, enabling the individual to break walls that prevent an open exchange and build bridges that strengthen the relationship.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

How to create an opportunity?

Normal belief is that opportunities just happen. During the 60’s, people start to get their lives into their own hands and a whole generation started to believe they could create an opportunity, but decades and many crises later, the old normal belief is probably ruling the world and people are feeling in general they don’t have other ways to overcome their situations.

It is true that marches are not working as they used to work before and most attempts to create something – a company, a new life, a new marriage – end in failure. Leaders are scarce and life is being lived on a day-to-day basis. But there is hope.

Yes, there is.

You probably have heard about SWOT Analysis. A little outdated, it is still crucial to get results in a fast way by identifying the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

From that perspective, you usually consider an opportunity as a situation or circumstance that may happen in your favor. But, by working on SWOT on a personal level, I have found out that an opportunity is (a situation to which you need) a strength that is still potential. In other words, you can create an opportunity by investing more time on some of your potentials.

It makes sense: instead of just focusing in your strengths, struggling with your weaknesses or fighting with possible threats, focus on that potential you know you have: maybe it is a skill you seldom use, or perhaps it is a quality others appreciate in you, but you normally don’t use it in a productive way.


Understand that potential, hidden behind many layers of other beliefs.

Invest time and energy to make the potential a reality and use it in life, turning an opportunity as part of your strengths, in a way.