Sunday, December 25, 2016

Lights of Christmas

If you would overfly the world, during Christmas, you would notice a wonderful Christmas tree with so many lights all over the place, in the shape of a beautiful blue globe.

And you would be able to hear the children’s laughter and see the wonder in their faces when they open their gifts. You would be able to catch the tender feelings of adults of any age and the happiness merged in the giving and taking that happens around that time.

But you would also see so many dark spots in the planet. Yes, a few of them are people who don’t believe necessarily in this tradition, but celebrate somehow in their own ways, the hope and joy and unity in their lives.

However, there are some dark spots that look even darker, because even though they do like Christmas, the tree and the lights, they do like hope and joy and unity, they don’t have neither of them…

And you would wonder “how come there are so many lights if so many people can’t have them?” And in your mind, you would visualize the whole world covered with lights.

For those who don’t have a Christmas tree, their light would be coming from their eyes and spirit, from their hearts and smiles. And you would be able to see hope embracing them once more, joy coming into their places unannounced and mostly welcome.

And you would see with your own eyes shining like a Christmas tree, their hearts uniting like magic and the sorrow, at least for one night, flying away scared of so much light…

And because all of that is happening in the subtle screen of your mind, you wouldn’t need to fly to do that. You can do it… right now…

Merry Christmas for a world full of light!

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