Sunday, February 28, 2021

Calming down… there is a storm coming

When storms come, we tend to be dragged by them. After all, they are more powerful than us… or not?

We have created as a civilization, several means and tools to protect ourselves from this incredible force of nature and although our protection may not be perfect, it has good potential.

Now, what about the storms of life? Like a pandemic, a financial crisis, divorce, health issues, someone dear who just departed…

By using the same approach, there should be means and tools to protect ourselves from the effect of such storms, and one of them is very simple: just calm down.

Calmness has a deep effect in the mind, by creating a series of thoughts and constructive emotions that protect us from the worse effects of the storms we are going through, which will guide us and prevent harm.

Of course, it is not easy to be calm during the storm, but by practicing a lot, the accumulated calmness will work out pretty well during the worse stages of the crisis, coming up naturally.

How can you practice calmness? I meditate; other people go to hills or beaches, others prefer to be in silence for some time everyday, there are those who love to pray.

Although the means and tools will be different for each one, by generating a routine in which the experience of being calm is valued, even prioritized, the next time a big storm comes to your life, you will be prepared and probably, you will be able to offer shelter to others too.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Leaving a legacy to others

We live relative short lives, but we create interesting phenomena like a torch race, passing to another person something valuable.

It could be an object – a watch, maybe an expensive shirt.

It could be an idea or a dream – a better bicycle, new house in the mountains.

It could be a tradition, a style, and a way of life…

We all will someone else something valuable, sometimes by passing them physically, sometimes by inspiring them.

What if we start to prepare that torch in advance? After all, one day we will have to pass it by...

By preparing it, you may enhance it and excel.

So, with that mind, I leave you with a question for your reflection: Which type of torch are you passing to others?

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Learning the math of life

Math is a bit intimidating for many, since it works on logic and we humans are more than logical.

However, there is a logical process in terms of life in general as we make effort and we get results out from it, it sounds simple… and yet…

The math of life is much more complex, as it works in a different way:

  • It is not only the effort we do. Intensity, intention, awareness, attitude, strength, others’ cooperation and so much more impact on the effort itself. To get the best results, we must invest time and energy enhancing all of this.
  • There is a method, tactic or strategy that shapes the effort and makes us to experience the best result possible. Although trial and error is still the general rule here… which is not so effective.
  • But most of the time, the result is beyond our reach. In fact, in Hinduism, it states we should act without expectation in relation to the results; selfless act is the right path.

To be a good mathematician of life, check the level of effort, choose the best tactic and be happy whatever the results are.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Opening doors and windows

Crisis has closed business… has separated many people… has finished many dreams off…

Well, there is no way back and there is no way to transform things overnight. However, we can still do something and there is a secret behind all of that based on doors and windows.

You see, sometimes we try to push through a closed door, what is not so sensible since it is, well, closed. Then we look for other doors and maybe we find them; some will be closed, some will be open. This is basically life.

However, we forget that besides doors, there are also windows… We don’t think of them as an entrance, but they are.

Sometimes, the way out of a crisis is not a door – not a logical process, or an expected one. Sometimes, it requires creativity, breaking a paradigm or changing a perception.

So, if your way out of the crisis is not working, think a bit more, reflect much more and be creative about it. You will come out and I am sure your life will be much better.