Sunday, February 7, 2021

Opening doors and windows

Crisis has closed business… has separated many people… has finished many dreams off…

Well, there is no way back and there is no way to transform things overnight. However, we can still do something and there is a secret behind all of that based on doors and windows.

You see, sometimes we try to push through a closed door, what is not so sensible since it is, well, closed. Then we look for other doors and maybe we find them; some will be closed, some will be open. This is basically life.

However, we forget that besides doors, there are also windows… We don’t think of them as an entrance, but they are.

Sometimes, the way out of a crisis is not a door – not a logical process, or an expected one. Sometimes, it requires creativity, breaking a paradigm or changing a perception.

So, if your way out of the crisis is not working, think a bit more, reflect much more and be creative about it. You will come out and I am sure your life will be much better.

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