Saturday, August 6, 2011

My heart, your heart

Some story tells us that one day, there was just one heart in the whole world. Everyone was connected to that one heart, until one person broke the connection. As a miracle, the person developed another heart and one by one, everyone got separated.


Now, at this time, another story is being performed. Those whose awareness is awaken are getting together, generating one heart again.

Not a physical heart, but sharing emotions and feelings, sharing values and hopes. Sharing life.

It is the time for mercy and compassion, when I am able to give others what I have most and take from them, with gentleness and apreciation, whatever they have to fill me in. In this world where things look worse every day, I give you my heart fully, so that whatever I have you can also get benefit from it.

Give your heart too, and we will build another world, a world of one heart. Again.

1 comment:

  1. Parabéns! excelente post
