Friday, March 25, 2011

Back to the New Economy!

Hi, sorry for the absence. Sometimes, my trips take to places where using internet becomes a luxury in many senses, but I am back to my present base.

Some years ago, I've got very interested in the topic of New Economy. It seemed to me quite exciting, really, a nice alternative to the communism/capitalism antagonism the world lived for many decades.

Then, it seemed it just disappeared in thin air, just like any other fashion. So, imagine my surprise when I saw those terms again... but, after a while, they merged into my mind again. But I started to notice many things around me.

First of all the present contradictions. Yes, if you an economist you could explain to me WHY USA HAS BECOME THE PLACE WHERE INVESTORS SENT THEIR MONEY, when that country was responsbile for the last (and many other) crisis in the first place. But, beyond your explanation, the fact we are living in this kind of economic limbo of New Economy, give me a very powerful idea: WHATEVER WE HAVE LEARNT IN THE PAST IS NOT WORKING ANY MORE.

That means, we all must learn different things in a different way. In a very different way. Can you explain why one of the most horrible songs uploaded in Youtube has become one of the most watched videos? Things are foggy.

So, I invite you to learn and teach different things in different ways, so that our human brotherhood can thrive successfully through the sometimes-dark waters of change.

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