Saturday, September 10, 2011

More than a date

In Doctor Who, the protagonist at some point says that there are some dates which have some kind of weight in it. Probably, September 11th is one of these dates. Before starting to speak, I must mention my admiration for those people who went there, fearlessly, some of them to not come back again. My admiration for that wonderful nation, United States of America, and the people.

Around July, 2001, I was invited to conduct a workshop in a program held by the United Nations. Unfortunately, it never happened, and the strange thing is that it seems my application was lost or something like that, so they never approved what was never supposed to happen. After all, my workshop would be on the 12th. September. 2001.

So, when things started to happen on September, 11th., I felt as I was there, a few miles away from the eye of that horrible storm. I follow all the events, seeing how the most powerful nation in the world was unable to prevent what was going on. I follow all the events, seeing how the most powerful media in the world was unable to broadcast effectively what was happened. I follow all the events, seeing how humanity got insane for a few hours that day.

It was possible one of the worst expressions of hate humans showed to their fellows. Yes, it does not compare with some of the old battles when about 40,000 people died, or the shame of the atomic bombs. But, still... it was too close home. It could happen anywhere in the world.

So, what do you do when something like that happens? Hate? Revenge? Closing borders? Among the many stories I have heard later, some touched me more than others.

There is this TV channel which brought together mothers whose children were born after 9/11, and whose fathers were in the twin towers. Among the women, many muslims showing the absurdity of blaming one side of the humanity against the other - their sadness was not different, perhaps in some levels even worse.

Another thing was a friend of mine who happened to be in New York that same day. When his friends and him saw what was happening, they all decided to go straight to Canada, their home. He narrates how he saw the towers from a hill, and the many hours of trip just to arrive to a very long line in the border; yes, the borders were closed. It was then one of the passengers of the car said she knew another border through which they go through. After entering into the town and many small roads, they reached this small border point where a very confident American allowed them to pass. Even in tragedies, some people keep their trust.

I did not lose anyone in that tragedy and it did not affect me directly. However, I feel in my heart the best way to avoid something like that to happen in the future is not fighting more or controlling more. We need a big change in our awareness, society and trust. We need to see everyone as one, share our lives together and understand each other even more. We need love, but not a simple love - we need a love that cannot be defeated, not by two planes, nor even by the most powerful armies.

And, you know what, we have it. Hope, on this day, people allow their hearts to open even more and to recognize, beyond the threats and rage, the wonderful opportunity of transformation for our whole world.

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