Sunday, October 26, 2014

Nobody wants to be the one

In a world of massive connection and interdependence, where communication is extremely easy and interconnectivity is natural, it is interesting to think this as a world where people don't want to take initiative.

Humans evolve according to our own initiative. It seems that starts a new path in our brain and soul, facilitating the changes and helping creating something different.

Yes, there is lots of creativity and innovation and small pockets of leadership here and there, but the real initiative that made our ancestors to leave their places and go to a land they didn't know anything about, that is missing.

What are the consequences? We are stuck with ourselves, with our own mistakes... I am not mention your recent divorce, but I am speaking about the destruction of nature as a whole and the increasing exploitation of people enslaved in this otherwise wonderful 21st century.

That is what we all need now: we need to be the ONE. The one that stands when something bad happens, the one who changes before anyone does and that one, who is able to tolerate and tolerate, and in this way help the world to be a better place.

Would you like to be the one?

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