Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why do singing bowls sing?

A new "toy" came to me recently: a singing bowl. After struggling a bit, with the help of a YouTube video, I was able to do what most people like to do: make it sing. If you never heard one, check the video...

It is amazingly easy and somehow soothing, but it can also be annoying. It made me think about humans. If a piece like that can do a sound which is almost eternal and it can be similar to Om, why not us?

In fact, we are all singing bowls... When a situation emerges, it touches us and we keep on "singing" about the situation, living and reliving it. We spread whatever happened to us all around our person, influencing others and the environment where we live.

Sometimes that effect is positive. For instance, when you have had a wonderful realization, it is good to widespread the sensation. It is important to show others so they can follow your example too.

Other times... If you had a bad experience with someone, you tend to talk about that person to everyone else, trying to make their minds feel the same as you.

It all depends on the master of the singing bowl, in this case, you. You are the one who has to see what you are doing and control the effect you create on others.

Our society is a big network, everything someone does impacts another and another and another... We can't avoid that, but what we can all do is check the quality of the impact, so that the sound of so many living singing bowls can heal the world.

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