Sunday, November 2, 2014

Our perspective counts

Watching the Colombia versus Brazil game would be difficult for me. As a Brazilian, I would obviously be in their favor, however as a Colombian 20-year-long resident... And sum to that the fact Brazilian team was not that good and the Colombian one was great, and you probably can figure that out.

In life, all depends on our point of view. After Brazil defeated Colombia, I could hear screams from both countries as from their perspective, the other did something very bad.

In fact, this means you can chose ALWAYS whatever you want to be or feel. If you have the right point of view, all will be alright, no matter what happens to you, check this video for that...

How to do it? Because this can be the key to stop complaining and wailing about your own destiny; it is the key to embrace whatever situation you are living and enjoy it from the heart.

Here are some tips that can be helpful:

  • Everything that happens to you is always good. If you don't feel like it, change your mind set by meditating, talking to someone positive or reading/watching positive materials.
  • Don't deny bad things, take care of them properly. Just chose a different focus than complaining... Do something, help other people with similar problems or go on a tour to some very different place.
  • Love the life you have as much as possible. Don't compare with others or other places' lifestyle. Take the maximum benefit, feel blessed and be happy with someone else's smile.
  • Self-dialogue works. When things don't work, as you would like or need, talk to yourself and look for the light behind the darkness and the reason behind the circumstances.
  • Someone else's smile... Sometimes, as much as you do, things DON'T work. Just make someone smile and enjoy their happiness as if it was yours own, like this video here...

Remember: changing perspective does not change reality, but it changes your perception and how much you are affected by it.

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