Sunday, November 9, 2014

What will happen in the next 10 years?

The world is full of predictions; some are fulfilled, others are not. And yet, people are always waiting for that...

So, what will happen in the next 10 years in your life, your family and friends' lives, your community, country and the world in general? Can you tell me that?

I guess you would say something, or just say it is not possible to predict... but, let's do a different exercise.

Look at yourself now, in all the dimensions we mentioned before: you, family/friends, community and country. Go back 10 years... Check some newspaper in internet or just see your agenda for that time. Do you remember what you were wearing or the fashion? Can you tell me the place you were working, how much money you were spending and earning?

Now, compare that time to the present situation, and draw some conclusions...

If you do this exercise, you will be able to notice some trends. After that, try to visualize the future 10 years, working with the trends you have found.

The last phase is the most important: it starts with the question what can you do to prepare yourself for the future you are going to live? After responding it, implement it. And live it.

It is a wonderful work for the self as it makes you to keep the future present in your mind and at the same time, improving your present moment.

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