Sunday, August 16, 2020

The 8 asana of the heart – To love…


During the month of June, the day of yoga was celebrated and one of the elements of any yoga practice is the asana, a posture or position that you make your body adopt. It is normally something very physical and difficult - I myself had the chance of seeing someone turning his head in such a way that it look as it was 180 degrees!

But an asana can also be mental or spiritual: the conscious exercise of making your mind leaving aside bad thoughts or concentrating on a positive objective.

So, on the basis of that, a beautiful inspiring video was produced on the 8 postures of the heart, blending art and wisdom. On the basis of that I thought well if we think of a heart... it is a muscle, right? Kind of... And because of that you could do some asana with it.

Of course, that is not possible (I think), but what about what it symbolizes, love. That line of thinking made me come to the idea of 8 asana that you can do with your heart.

And here you have a series on that, 8 ways to express your love that are not always easy, but they are always transformational.

These are the asana:

  1. To care.
  2. Generosity.
  3. Mercy.
  4. Compassion.
  5. Forgiveness.
  6. Refuge.
  7. Lever.
  8. Horizon.

In each post, I will express my points of view and I will invite you for an exercise.

For the moment, just experience your love… deeply… It is good, it is important particularly at moments of crisis.

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