Sunday, June 14, 2020

Enjoying a peaceful state of mind

The crisis caught us all… but, has it got into our minds too?

Wise words from something I’ve heard many years ago: you may get sick in your body, but don’t let the sickness reaches you into your mind. The same applies to the uncertainty we are living.

Our minds are fragile in a sense, as it comes very easily under the influence of the circumstances. If the situations are peaceful, so will the mind; if the environment where you are is hostile, then the mind will suffer for it.

However, by detaching your mind from the circumstances it is possible to experience peace even though the situations themselves are not peaceful. And by experiencing peace within, it isn’t impossible to be able to affect the external environment.

It requires some (lots of) self-control and a certain level of discipline to prevent mind to be influenced by whatever is happening around.

Meditation is one of the ways that enable the individual to experience peace, no matter what is going on around them. Just try it:
Sit down with no other reason but to experience a few moments of meditation…Let yourself feel your thoughts decreasing in quantity and speed… gradually, going from a storm to a rain and then to a few drops…Let yourself feel instead of thinking words… just feel your own peace… there, inside you…It is peace… a sensation of calmness and tranquility… a feeling of satisfaction and the absence of worries… a creative energy that subtly fills the being…It is peace… like a shield that protects you and your environment…It is peace…

When you meditate for some time in a regular basis, naturally you will start to feel the benefit of being peaceful, you will see changes in the scenario of your life and you will be able to change deeply.

You may not prevent the crisis to take place, but it won’t enter inside you.

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