Sunday, June 28, 2020

Being an agent of change

Probably the normal method people use to face bad changes, which is considered to be a proactive way of dealing with it, is to resist to them. The problem is that there is a law of change: any change to which you resist, will grow even more.

Probably the best method people could use to face bad changes is to increase their own resilience, that is, by being an agent of change.

The way of doing it is quite simple (in writing):

  1. I notice a change that is happening would have a bad effect for me or my community.
  2. Instead of fighting or fleeing, I fly… I start to increase my resilience by accepting this is happening and understanding it.
  3. I also start to have inner experiences by contemplating, reflecting or meditating; in this way, I look for self-empowerment.
  4. I start a change that will help to work against this bad change. It may be my attitude or an interesting plan that will involve others.
  5. I cooperate with others, by creating a powerful network and I help others to increase their own resilience too.

To put that into practice requires some energy and focus, but it is much better way to reacting to situations.

Besides, you will experience being the leader of your own self, instead of being led by situations from which you are not taking benefit.

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