Sunday, March 8, 2020

How to overcome fatigue

What is normal and what you expect is that after waking up, you have energy until night... but if that is not constant in your life, it is time to work internally.

We are not machines and although we are well oiled, fatigue, exhaustion or stress can take away our energy and prevent us from progressing or enjoying in the way we would want and could. Maybe you would like to have a few more hours of strength to enjoy your family, do something useful to the community, meditate or just enjoy watching the last movie.

If you really want to extend your energy a little more in the day, here are some tips that can be very useful:
  1. Start with your diet and check well that what you eat is balanced.
  2. Then, check the quality sleep time, that is, the sleep that refreshes and renews.
  3. Develop the art of relaxation, that is, let go… a lot!
  4. Self-organization contributes to avoid tiredness, preventing us from wandering when making a decision or doing some activity.
  5. Strive to have excellent prioritization criteria, because it will prevent you from wasting time, one of the factors that causes fatigue.
  6. Managing an adequate schedule helps minimize stress.
  7. Dialogue and enjoy being with relevant people in your life.
  8. At the end of the day or at times you identify that you feel a not very welcome tiredness, look for activities that are motivating.

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