Sunday, February 2, 2020

¿Am I alone or lonely?

A few years ago, my sister married a Colombian and moved to this country, where I live. My mother then found herself literally alone... At the beginning, I felt anxiety in her and maybe she was a little scared, but what she did was to use her bright and natural creativity, by creating systems that gave her a sense of security, for example, with a hairdresser, organized to call her daily...

Some may argue that loneliness has become an epidemic[1]. And if we think about it, about 30 years ago it was difficult to find someone who lived alone; nowadays, it's too easy.

Nothing against it; actually, I like to live alone - well, almost alone, since I live in a small community, but I have a separate space. OK, the issue here is not that; the theme is the growing loneliness.

We may not be able to prevent someone from being alone, but we can avoid the experience of loneliness, and the first thing, as my mother found out, is to connect with the community.

If you reflect for a moment, you will perceive that there is an invisible network that unites all the people around you, generating a beautiful network of protection and care; this is the community.

My first conscious experience of really being alone was in Santiago, Chile. I was new to that country and I still didn't feel being part of a community, something that was later generated. So when Christmas came and I had no one to share... I had never really given much value to this holiday, but that day, yes, I realized that I really wanted to be with other people. So I reflected a while, look inside me and used creativity, one of my specialties. I called some people who were in contact with the organization I was coordinating and we planned a lunch together. I was never a good cook, but that day everything went amazing; not only was the food delicious, about 7 or 8 people came and I experienced a real Christmas.

The other way to overcome that feeling of loneliness - and if it is an epidemic, it is likely to affect you soon - is to look inside, find your own specialties and make use of them.

We will not always have a community and the reasons are diverse, in such a complex society, but we will always have our own inner wealth. In making use of this treasure, we will naturally experience satisfaction and change our perspective not being lonely even though I am alone.

Then, we will deliver these specialties to the world and the world will return us company of some kind.

I don't know if it's the cure to loneliness, but this is my humble suggestion: connect more with your community and look inside yourself, finding specialties that you can give to the world.

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