Friday, June 21, 2019

Meditation changes your reality

In 2015, Indian Prime Minister Modi persuaded United Nations to declare June 21st as the International Day of Yoga. Since then, important celebrations are held worldwide.

I practice yoga since I was 18, but… there is a but here. Almost all the times we talk about yoga, the image in people’s minds is of crossing legs or doing impossible poses. That is not my type of yoga.

Yoga is not only physical; its area is broad and wide. Its practice will depend on what you really want to do with your body, mind and spirit.

For the body, yoga gives a self-control that it is almost impossible to get from anywhere else. It is healthy, but it is not only healthy, it is a healing process. I know many people who practice a physical type of yoga and I tell you, it is wonderful, and even though I don’t, raja yoga also works for my body and I have experience healing many times.

For the mind, the best part of any yoga practice would be the meditation – would be as many people don’t meditate, they just jump into the exercise. That is the reason all great masters of yoga went to very isolated places for their practice, as meditation is revered as key to their success; the first stage of yoga is meditation – and that is what changes reality, as perceptions shift and the person experiences a renew in their lives.

For the soul, meditation reconnects you, after all so much is happening at present and although we are fully connected to the world, very often we find ourselves zero connected to the inner core: what do I really want? Ikigai, other philosophies and techniques try to make people stop and reflect, going back to their source, and so they act as a type of yoga.

When yoga helps you to connect with your own self, reality changes… well, reality will probably be the same, however as you are connected to the purest energy that exists within you, that energy pours through your life, changing your reaction to situations and helping you to focus on the good side of circumstances.

A yogi will look at reality with love, determination and courage, even though reality looks at them in a frightening way…

On this special day, and as much as you can during the year, spend some time in yoga and meditation…

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