Sunday, March 16, 2014

Skills for a better performance

One of the surprising things about work and business in general nowadays is how much a soft skill values.

An interesting and very comprehensive article was published by Forbes Magazine. Yes, Forbes... the "shark's favorite" magazine. The question in my mind was: Why do sharks want the trout to be better?

First answer is, of course, to eat them! But, if you really read the article you will see lots of time was spent in creating a foundation for people so that they can improve themselves in today's work and business area. So that they can RESIST to the sharks and help to change them into something more amiable like whales...

Analyzing the article (which is just a basis, but a good one), you can find three basic areas covered there:

  • The ability to relate to others. It is not only an area, but also a skill in itself. If you really want to progress in work environment, relationships are extremely important.
  • Besides people, we also need to deal with situations. Other skills will make that hard task into a very easy one. In the article, the focus is work environment, but we all know how much personal life influences into our work life, so these skills will help us both ways.
  • The last skills touched are related to personal ethics. Beyond personality, everyone has some ethics in their lives, which will help you to decide how to do things but will also influence the way others see you doing those things.

I think skills are the bridge between the most human part of us, the spiritual side, and the material activities we do for money or recognition. If you develop them with the right method, naturally you will have a much better experience and it is possible your career opens into new ways.

During the next posts, we will talk more about those skills.

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