Sunday, April 2, 2023

Finding the treasures within

Take your hat and let’s go to an adventure!

The first station is your own mind; explore your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Is there any gem there? Maybe it is a good wish for someone who is causing problems to you or a deep feeling towards your family.

The second station is deep inside… it is beyond your perception of your name or personality, beyond your and others’ body. It is just a sensation of BEING… That gives you peace, love and unconditional joy.

A last station to find more treasures: it is the SOUL station, the point in which you are totally free from your body and its boundaries. You are free like a bird and you can fly… It is peace beyond imagination and it is not just a sensation. You ARE A SOUL.

Now, take those treasures back to your day-to-day life and use them in your work, in your relationships, in managing your health and all other aspects. That’s why those treasures exist!

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