Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year 1 – Goals...

Instead of thinking that reality will simply SHOW UP, why not taking advantage of this motivational moment of change of year to set goals?

You will become the designer of your own new year... Don't you find it interesting and... motivator?

It can be and it is very easy:

Think about what you want to achieve this year. Create a list from these thoughts, prioritizing according to your own criteria (how easy it is, its importance, etc.).

Check the list very well, joining what can be joined, avoiding paradoxes and polishing your ideas a little.

Now, answer for each item: when will I achieve this? How will I do it? What resources will I need? What changes do I need to make for this?

As the above questions can take time, the suggestion is to complete item by item.

Finally, schedule the different points that you have to work using some technological tool (such as GCal) or a normal agenda planner.


So, are you ready to be the architect of your existence?

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