Sunday, December 5, 2021

King or pawn?

If your life was a big game of chess, which position would you take?

I think at least in the level of perception, we all have thought of ourselves as kings of our own game… or pawns, at times.

When you are a king, you have power and so many people protect you, they are ready to leave the game if that is the case.

When you are a pawn, on the other hand, you are basically fodder for the cannon. You are made to die!

However, let’s think deeply… after all, the king can also be defeated and if this game is between me and, well, me, then who is the winner and who is the loser? On the other hand, the pawns are amazing in the game as they are the first ones to start and they are very courageous.

In reality, if you feel you are in a human chess game, even when you are the pawn – things are going wrong, you feel you are not supported, etc. – you can still let your courage and heart guide you.

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