Sunday, November 29, 2020

A session of coaching, just for you – part II

This has been a very interesting year and so, this session of coaching, distributed in two different posts, has an aim of helping you find meaning in the past year. This is the second part.


First of all, look for a place where you feel secure, safe. Along with that, do this at a time when you are not needed by others.

Please, don’t look at this as just a series of questions or tasks. Take them step by step, and take your time…

Take paper and pen, or pencil. If you want you can take a watch to keep time, but try not. And yes, be unplugged for the time of the exercise.

Let’s begin…


Session 3: if we think of 2020 as a school…

What were the best lessons you have learnt?

  • How would they be useful for you for the next year?

What were the most difficult lesson to learn and why?

  • How could you improve your capacity of learning, so lessons like those can be assimilated?


Session 4: if we think of 2020 as a training course…

What was the best thing that happened to you?

  • In the future, what will be the use of that as a lesson?

What were the lessons you feel you haven’t learnt well?

  • How can you give yourself another chance to learn them?

Sunday, November 22, 2020

A session of coaching, just for you – part I

This has been a very interesting year and so, this session of coaching, distributed in two different posts, has an aim of helping you find meaning in the past year.


First of all, look for a place where you feel secure, safe. Along with that, do this at a time when you are not needed by others.

Please, don’t look at this as just a series of questions or tasks. Take them step by step, and take your time…

Take paper and pen, or pencil. If you want you can take a watch to keep time, but try not. And yes, be unplugged for the time of the exercise.

Let’s begin…


Session 1: it is better if you do all of this first, in order and during a certain time limit.

How do you feel in relation to this year? Write as much as possible.

Which things, scenes of your life or aspects of your environment you would prefer they would be rather different?

How much was your life impacted by all that happened this year?

Now, think you are being interviewed in 2025 about the year 2020. Indicate a few things you would tell your audience.


Session 2: do this after the first session; as you can see, there are two main questions, you can change the order if you want.

During this year you or another person has made an error that impacted your life. Which error was it?

By correcting that error, what would happen to the rest of your year?

By not correcting that error, what did REALLY happen (to the rest of your year)?

Something right happened that touched your heart or created a positive impact in your life; it may be the right thing you or another person did. Which right thing was it?

What was the impact of that right thing in the rest of your year?

If that right thing hasn’t happened, what would happen to the rest of your year?


Next week we will continue…

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The present is a present hard to hold

Present is… fast… you just think of something that is taking place right now and it is over!

So, what to do?

Well, we often prefer to think of the past and dwell in past wonderful experiences, or relive regrets.

Or we keep on thinking of the future we want or we expect.

But, what about the present? Let’s reframe it!

In our present, we are living the fruit that have come from seeds sown in the past.

In our present, we are sowing the seeds for the fruit we will be reaping in the future.

Do we realize how important is the present??

Let’s plan it better…

Every thought is a seed for all that will happen in the future and they have come from a past that is so valuable.

Every word is a full of seeds that they will inspire so many and they will generate a very powerful environment. Every word brings up the best of mine, cultivated along the years.

Every action I do is a seed for someone else to change their lives, besides it turns into a brick of the house I will live in the future.

It is a present we should treasure at every moment.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Is there any future in my horizon?

Images can be inspiring… A picture I have taken shown a foggy road and although you could see the beginning and a few meters further, nothing was waiting for you ahead.

At these times, that is future for us.

For some unknown reason, humanity has been obsessed in learning about their future; so many things were created for that. And then the uncertainty paradigm has become predominant, so there is no horoscope that can really tell you the future now, and no consultant or coach can really guide you in these very foggy times.

You are on your own…


There is another wonderful possibility: you can create your own future. Step by step, action by action, thought by thought. That is, you are your own leader.

Taking into account that, here are a few suggestions:

  • To be in uncertain times does not mean to not plan your future. Just be deeper and think in terms of a future vision instead of only objectives & aims.
  • Be prepared to adapt, but don’t lose focus or important things related to life such as values and relationship.
  • Make your present a real present for yourself and the people who live and work with you. Whatever you do now, its fruits will become your future at some point.
  • Develop your resilience in such a way that you will face obstacles from a high energy.
  • When you fail for some reason, just turn the failure into a step towards your success. Learn, change and implement the lessons onto your life.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Can I bring the past back?

A recurrent topic of time travel books and movies has been the possibility of going back to the past, so that the present would change. This was in fact the main plot for the classic book of H. G. Wells, The Time Machine, which I think does not require introduction.

What about to bring the past back? Again when we look at science fiction, we will find a few examples, the most well-known is Jurassic Park, by Steven Spielberg.

Now, let’s leave the realm of science fiction and focus on our normal practical life: can I bring the past back? That is, can I resuscitate my personal dinosaurs?

It is normal that we would want to bring good experiences back: maybe that person you’ve been together twenty years ago could be the same person now that you met them again, or the same energy you had when you were twenty, it should come up again.

That is not possible… completely. After all, you cannot expect someone is still the same after twenty years or that your body is going to perform in the same ways as it did in the past.

But there are things you can do that will revitalize your life:

  • Whatever you used to be in the past, at least the inner qualities are still there, ready for your use. Use them in various activities.
  • Whatever the other person used to be in the past, at least the inner qualities are still there; if you look at them with the right vision, you will see it. Relate to that person on basis of those qualities.
  • Although your body is not the same, there is energy still there. Change your habits and refocus that energy.

In other words, instead of trying to bring the past back, just make a better use of your present and make the best of yourself to emerge.