Sunday, May 12, 2019

Going back to religions

Is religion good or bad?

Implicitly, this idea or question is daily present in the media, talks and dialogues. Crimes against people or by people are easily profiled according to a certain creed, even when, days later, is proofed that was not as such.

I believe the question is not much about the goodness of religion, but how religions may coexist. In reality, that has been the reality in many places for so many years and it is all based in a simple formula:
  1. I believe in what I believe, this is my Truth.
  2. You believe in what you believe, but I don’t share the same beliefs.
  3. As long as I don’t try to convince you or otherwise, we can keep on working and living together.

Even in old beliefs of religions, that formula was present and it was very common that while professing a certain religion, people would keep distance from other religions without saying the other belief was wrong.

Unwillingly, as religions go against each other – or more precisely, religious people go against other religious people – they are becoming weak. Well, they are not clearly linked, but if we check the history of religions, we may realize that when they used to coexist there were more people following them, religions had more strength and positive influence than nowadays.

Maybe we cannot impact religions, but we may impact other people who follow a religion by working on these 3 aspects:
  1. Believe in your own Truth, very strongly…
  2. …even though I don’t believe in it.
  3. I won’t try to convince you, please don’t try to convince me.
  4. EXTRA: let’s do something together; let’s create something new, creative and powerful.

In this way, it will be possible people from different faiths to coexist and thrive.

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