Sunday, January 6, 2019

You are the sparrow, not the snail, of your story - Reason 72

Would you rather be a sparrow than a snail?  An old song[1] used to do issue this challenge, which could be translated into: Would you rather be a hero than a victim?

OK, victim is a strong word, but reality is: most people are trapped in their own world, like snails that cannot fly.  Normal people avoid or are prevented to look into the sky, leave earth and the possibility of creating a new reality.

Leaders create their own story and they fly very high, avoiding traps and attempts of decreasing their value.  Leaders are heroes, flying sparrows in the sky of their lives.

What makes the difference is the fact a leader sees her or his reality as a set of choices and makes the best use of it.  So, instead of dragging on the earth of their decisions, in the case they went wrong, leaders reflect, open their wings and fly, not away, but into the situation, changing it and opening new possibilities.

[1] El Condor Pasa (The Condor Passes) is a song composed by Paul Simon in 1970, based on a Peruvian folklore song .  You can watch it here:

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

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