Sunday, December 31, 2017

Our story…

If three people would meet today, each one could have their own story.

The first would share about separation and the pain another caused. But they would also share about their conquests: a new job, a new place to live, a new hope in life…
The second would share about their illness, a sickness that is preventing them to live life fully. And yet, there is a project of writing a new book and share with other people the art of meditation.
The third would be quiet, overwhelmed by memories of what happened during this year that is about to end… So many bad things, so many good things…

When they separated, the first one would have left with new projects in their life, thinking on how to make that happen. The New Year turns into a wonderful opportunity.
The second one would leave quietly, merged in a healing silence, doing the balance of the year that is finishing. The New Year is the chance to increase possibilities.
The third one would regret not having told others about their own newness, so immediately they would start to write to the others about it. The New Year is a blank page where to design their life.

As humans, today is a crossover between ages and eras, at a threshold of a new year, a new world. Today, it is a time of checking and planning, changing and dreaming, to discover more about others and themselves. May we always remember the lessons and keep on dreaming…

A very happy new year for you!

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