Sunday, December 10, 2017

Each day is a new chapter of your life - Reason 23

If your life was a book, what would be the title?  This is a deep reflection each one of us should do from time to time.  The secret behind it is that whatever is the book’s chosen title, so also will be the experience that day.

For leaders, that reflection takes place naturally and it helps to focus.  Energy and resources will be harnessed meaningfully. 

The best leadership does not stop with the choice of book title.  Where there is the mindset that every day is a new chapter with its own beginning, middle and end, an active leader starts renewed and fresh every day.

This is the richness of being a leader, where every day contributes in an important way to growth.

So, for a leader instead of asking the title of their life’s book, an even better question is: What is the title of the new chapter I am starting today?

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

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