Sunday, August 17, 2014

Giving meaning to your life

At some point last year, an image came to me. It was a funeral with very few people there, and a woman was talking to a man, saying: "You would expect many more people, since he had thousands of friends in Facebook..."

We have probably reached that point in our civilization predicted and foreseen many and many years ago; that point where and when our own humanity starts to be tested. What makes the difference with other species in the planet is not only our intelligence - which has been the main focus. There is also the way we handle emotions and feelings, awareness and values...

We went a step beyond other species when we started to question and dream, when we started to reflect about our own life and brought a sense, a meaning to it. Then, that same step is trying to send us backwards.

By focusing on our intelligence and not so much in our awareness and values, we start to take that meaning off. With intelligence we were able to create many things that helped our sense in life, but others that can destroy the same life. With intelligence we were able to reach anyone in the planet, and yet people feel their loneliness more than ever.

Yes, intelligence was able to make us getting Facebook, but not mourners for our own funeral...

By focusing on our awareness, things can change. That doesn't mean to refuse whatever our intelligence has given us as the hippie movement tried to do, but to use that to tap into our awareness.

That means to have your Facebook account or whatever social media you chose, but also have a few friends. Read and read in internet, but also go and dialogue with others and share what you have learnt. Face to face.

Feel how meaningful is the life you have within you. Meditate and contemplate. Enjoy the real landscape, that cannot compare with the most beautiful picture posted somewhere in the web. Live with meaning.

And one day, you will leave more than posts in your wall; you will leave behind your footsteps to guide others on their own way...

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