Sunday, December 8, 2013

The art of keeping others happy and healthy (The 16 celestial arts)

A basic principle in life is that you cannot really change another person. But you can cooperate with their own change.

You can make someone superficially happy, if you give them a gift or you cook something nice for them. Economy works around happiness too: when people get some kind of happiness, they invest more of whatever they have into that; then people start to get unhappy, countries suffer as their investment leave to happier places.

But, to keep someone happy and healthy, thinking of healthy as a state of being, that is not so easy.

Yet, it is very easy. Just keep YOURSELF happy and healthy. It is a reality that you give whatever you have to others. So, if you have plenty of happiness that is what you are going to give them. If you yourself are feeling unhappy, that unhappiness will go towards them too.

Happiness is more than just smile or feeling good inside. It is a state where you feel all your needs are satisfied and the role you perform in this world is for enhancement, not for survival. It is that powerful feeling inside the heart that all is OK, all is good and all will always be good, no matter what.

Happiness is the best medicine as it relieves the mental stress and open new possibilities in life. When you tap into that deep resource we humans have, naturally you will give that to others.

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