Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lost leaders

If I am not mistaken, I've only tried a Rollerblade once in my life. Not a good experience, it seems I am not gifted with this wonderful sense of equilibrium others have (or my instructor was too bad). Anyway, I remember myself sliding all around, like a crazy guy.

Sometimes, when I hear a leader's speech, or any comment made by him, I have the impression they are all lost in Rollerblades. All of them incapable of dealing with it.

We came from that era when leaders could do whatever they want, to a time when they could not all they want, to the present time, when they don't even try to do it. Is it fear of failure? Fear of not being reelected or being fired? I am not sure.

I think the main reason we lost our leaders and our present "leaders" are lost is the fact that nobody really knows what is right and what is wrong. Many things that used to be wrong, are now considered right and vice-versa. Another reason is that they don't have self-leadership. Yes, they have many talents, but they are not leaders for themselves. So, who will listen to someone who does not even listen to himself?

I am not sure there is a clear solution to that. Nobody would like to go to that time (although some are going towards there) when leaders used to do whatever they wanted. But, on the other hand, no-one wants a leader who literally does nothing more than promises and smiles.

Probably best solution is for all of us to develop our own self-leadership, so that we are able to follow the leader as much he/she is correct and follow your own ideas when they are right.

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