Sunday, February 19, 2023

What is the real difference between us and AI*?

The main difference between humans and AI is that humans have consciousness, emotions, and self-awareness, while AI does not. AI is a “machine” that has been designed and trained to perform specific tasks, but it does not have the capacity for experience or subjective thought. Additionally, AI operates based on pre-determined rules and algorithms, while humans have the ability to make decisions and exhibit creativity based on their experiences and beliefs.

The former paragraph was written by an AI… but, as a human being, I would like to explore this more. Or at least, in my own way.

  • AI is great to compile information and knowledge, but humans are able to interpret information, to give context to knowledge and to reach to a point that knowledge turns into wisdom, something AI does not. I hope.
  • Wisdom can be defined as living knowledge. AI cannot live knowledge… we can.
  • Awareness is the main point of difference and it is that which creates a huge difference between us, humans, and machines. We are aware, you and I, of everything around us.
  • Our decision-making process is… different. We mix logic and intuition, facts and suppositions. Spiritually speaking, to make a decision starts with DISCERNMENT, then IMPLEMENTATION. AI’s… well, their decision is based on others’ decision and they come from a collection of information bits.

I think Ais can help a lot in areas of creativity or routine and it is here, right now! Let’s use it, with respect for their creators and collaborators, but let’s never forget our own power.

* AI is the abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence. It is not a machine in the mechanical sense, only in terms of its processing capacity.

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