Sunday, July 17, 2022

Prosperity & peace

I think it is intuitive to link prosperity and peace, after all the more prosperous a place is, more peaceful will be. I wonder if the same is true for people…

In the past few years, news has come up of very prosperous people who would be suffering for some reason or another, even going to the extreme of suicide.

It is true there are not too many news to reach to the conclusion of money does not bring happiness… or peace. However, if you know someone who is really prosperous in terms of wealth, you probably know that person has many problems and has to face many crises. Worry and anxiety is a common trace associated to prosperity.

Maybe we have to look into prosperity beyond money or material wealth. When we look at a very prosperous country, besides their material wealth, there is an immaterial wealth: their culture, their values, their touristic places and many more things.

In the same way, besides wealth, every person has a huge treasure of qualities, inner powers, and talents. When those people join others, that treasure replicates in an infinite way.

In fact, looking back into countries that did not have a material wealth some time ago – like India or China – by investing their energy in their immaterial wealth, they are nowadays considered prosperous countries… So, if a person does not have material wealth, but they are connected to the immaterial one, then they are, without a shadow of doubt, very, very prosperous.

Now, because their focus is on the intangible part, PEACE will be developed since it is there too.

So if you feel you are not experiencing peace, work on acknowledging your own prosperity. Peace will come.

If you are not feeling that prosperous, tour around your inner wealth from time to time, and connect to your inner peace. Prosperity will come.

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